Cialis Super Active ( Tadalafil )

Cialis Super Active
Cialis Super Active verhoogt het testosterongehalte, heeft een versterkte vaatverwijdende werking, verhoogt de spermaproductie en de seksuele opwinding, en verbetert het uithoudingsvermogen en de reactie op stimulatie.
20 mg
10 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 400.48
kr 40.06 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
20 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 660.32
kr 33.02 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
30 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 866.03
kr 28.91 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
60 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 1580.59
kr 26.31 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
90 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 2154.41
kr 23.93 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
120 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 2609.13
kr 21.76 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
180 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 3561.88
kr 19.81 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
270 pillen
Cialis Super Active
kr 4850.25
kr 17.97 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.

Algemeen gebruik
Cialis Super Active is een geavanceerde formule van de nieuwe generatie met de kortste activeringstijd en de langste werkingsduur voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen. Naast de werkzame stof tadalafil zorgt gelatine ervoor dat de pil binnen enkele minuten zijn volledige werking bereikt. Neem Cialis Super Active 5-7 minuten vóór de seksuele activiteit in. De verlengde werking duurt 50-55 uur en een erectie kan op elk moment in deze periode optreden bij seksuele stimulatie. Het medicijn wordt gemakkelijk geabsorbeerd zonder schade aan het maagdarmkanaal. Het verhoogt op natuurlijke wijze het testosterongehalte, heeft een versterkte vaatverwijdende werking, verhoogt de spermaproductie en seksuele opwinding, evenals het uithoudingsvermogen en de reactie op stimulatie. Het medicijn kan veilig worden gebruikt door jong en oud.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
Een dosis van 20 mg wordt 5-7 minuten vóór de geslachtsgemeenschap ingenomen. Neem het medicijn zoals voorgeschreven door uw arts en alleen wanneer nodig. Neem niet meer dan één pil per dag.

Alcohol, warm weer, lichaamsbeweging of koorts kunnen de bijwerkingen van Cialis Super Active versterken in uw lichaam. Gebruik geen andere geneesmiddelen tegen erectiestoornissen samen met Cialis Super Active. Cialis Super Active kan ernstigere bijwerkingen veroorzaken bij oudere patiënten. Informeer uw arts als u in het verleden last heeft gehad van pijnlijke of langdurige erecties, momenteel lijdt aan nierziekten, maagzweren, bloedcelproblemen zoals sikkelcelanemie, leukemie of myeloom.

Neem dit geneesmiddel niet in als u overgevoelig bent voor de bestanddelen ervan, ernstige leverproblemen heeft, retinitis pigmentosa (een erfelijke degeneratieve oogziekte) heeft, ernstige problemen met bloed of hart heeft zoals instabiele angina, angina pectoris tijdens seksuele gemeenschap, hartfalen, onregelmatige hartslag, ongecontroleerde hoge bloeddruk, lage bloeddruk, een hartaanval of beroerte in het verleden heeft gehad, op dit moment nitraten in welke vorm dan ook gebruikt, evenals poppers (amylnitraat, butylnitraat), of als uw arts seksuele activiteit heeft afgeraden vanwege uw hartproblemen.

Mogelijke bijwerkingen
De meest voorkomende bijwerkingen van dit geneesmiddel zijn duizeligheid, slaperigheid, licht in het hoofd, flauwvallen, snelle hartslag en lage bloeddruk, of wazig zien. Minder ernstige symptomen zijn brandend maagzuur, lichte rug- of spierpijn, maagklachten en een lopende neus. Bij sommige mensen veroorzaakt deze medicatie priapisme, een aandoening waarbij de erectie langer dan vier uur duurt. Dergelijke langdurige erecties kunnen zeer gevaarlijk zijn en leiden tot blijvende schade aan de penis. Neem zo snel mogelijk contact op met uw arts als u dit ervaart.

Wisselwerking tussen geneesmiddelen
Gelijktijdig gebruik van Cialis Super Active met elke vorm van nitroglycerine, andere nitraten zoals isosorbide, nitroprusside, elk 'stikstofmonoxide-donor' geneesmiddel, of recreatieve drugs genaamd 'poppers' die ook nitraten bevatten zoals amyl- of butylnitraat, is gecontra-indiceerd. Gelijktijdige toediening van Cialis Super Active met bepaalde alfa-blokkers zoals alfuzosine, prazosine, terazosine of doxazosine kan levensbedreigende aandoeningen veroorzaken. Dosiscorrectie is nodig als dit geneesmiddel gelijktijdig wordt toegediend met andere geneesmiddelen voor erectiestoornissen, bepaalde schimmelwerende geneesmiddelen zoals itraconazol of ketoconazol, macrolide antibiotica zoals claritromycine of erytromycine, andere antibiotica zoals erytromycine, ketoconazol (Nizoral), itraconazol (Sporanox), indinavir (Crixivan) en ritonavir (Norvir), geneesmiddelen tegen hoge bloeddruk, of HIV-proteaseremmers zoals indinavir (Crixivan) en ritonavir (Norvir).

Gemiste dosis
Innemen wanneer nodig. Een gemiste dosis is niet van toepassing.

Zoek onmiddellijk professionele medische hulp als u last krijgt van ernstige pijn op de borst, flauwvallen, langdurige erectie, duizeligheid, aanhoudende veranderingen in het gezichtsvermogen, of aanhoudende rug- of spierpijn.

Bewaar Cialis Super Active in een droge, goed afsluitbare verpakking, buiten bereik van zonlicht, bij kamertemperatuur tussen 20-25°C (68-77°F) en uit de buurt van kinderen en huisdieren.

We verstrekken alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke interacties met medicijnen of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op de site kan niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling en zelfdiagnose. Eventuele specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden overeengekomen met uw gezondheidsadviseur of behandelend arts. We wijzen alle betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en mogelijke fouten die het zou kunnen bevatten af. We zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
The site provides a lot of information for their products. For instance when I bought Cialis Super Active 100...I had a lot of info available in the product description and also great offers for the full range of Cialis. Bought my stuff in a safe environment and also received a 10% off for the future orders.
5 sterren van 5
James Martin
Used to buy Cialis Super Active from my local Pharmacy but since I discovered this place, I stopped buying them from there. I truly appreciate the fair prices and the fast service. Unlike other places, I get my Cialis with free delivery."
5 sterren van 5
It’s hard to find a site that sells Cialis Super Active for such a great price. Although the highest class product from Cialis, buying it from this site will always grant you a great deal. I personally buy my pills from here for over a year now. Never had a complain about anything.I truly recommend this place for future purchases
5 sterren van 5
Ayaal Herdam
Just bought Cialis Super Active 100 from this site after a friend told me that the pills are way better than the other erectile pills on the market. Can’t wait to try them. Already using Cialise Professional but I think these ones are faster in effect and long lasting. I’ll get back with a new review once I test the pills.
5 sterren van 5
David Desvergnes
This is one of the fewest placed online where I am very pleased to buy stiff from. I take my monthly Cialis Super Active 100 from here and I always receive the best deal on them. Overall, the site offers best prices, quick paying methods and shipment anywhere you desire. It usually takes less than 24 hours for the package to arrive to my door!
5 sterren van 5
Roman Majewski
It’s hard to find a site that sells Cialis Super Active for such a great price. Although the highest class product from Cialis, buying it from this site will always grant you a great deal. I personally buy my pills from here for over a year now. Never had a complain about anything.I truly recommend this place for future purchases
5 sterren van 5
Jürg Burgener
Placed a few orders for Cialis Super Active so far and all I can say is that this site offers best value for money and highly professional services. Apart the fact they offer a lot of information about any of the products they sell, they also offer secure payment methods and a very cool delivery
5 sterren van 5
Vincent Matuchet
It’s quite nice to buy Cialis Super Active from here. It’s a reliable place where you are always 100% sure that the pills are originals and not fake. Apart from that, this site is also a great place for super deals. I always leave this site with 10, 20% discount on my orders and I like it! Very much!!
5 sterren van 5
Joseph Tosterud
Unlike other online pharma stores, this place offers not just quality for their products but also a reliable payment method and fast delivery service. I use to buy Cialis Super Active 100 from this place and I have to say that not only the pills are amazing but also the speed of the package arriving to my door :))
5 sterren van 5
Jesper Lotelius rosengren
This place is one of the fewest sites which deliver Cialis Super Active 100 to Alaska. Being in a remote area sometimes I find it hard to buy stuff online. Not with this site, they always deliver to my location and never do they charge me extra! I like how they do business.
5 sterren van 5
Alexander Larkins
Unlike other versions of Cialis, the Cialis Super Active 100 is a better improved formula which has the capability to work on any type of erectile problem. I took Cialis Super Active twice now and every time it worked perfectly. Was able to make love just the way I always dreamed of!
4 sterren van 5
Arturo Aragones
Truly happy I selected this place to buy Cialis Super Active from. It’s a cool site with lots of interesting features and a fully reliable source for original Cialis. Not to mention they deliver the packages in fast manners and always on time. No delays, no extra charges, etc.. Idk if it’s just me but I like how they treat their clients.
5 sterren van 5
peter wenig
Have received numerous orders from this site and I always have experienced quick delivery. Last time I bought Cialis Super Active and the package arrived to my location the next day! From a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this site’s delivery service a well deserved 10! Great buying products from this place!
5 sterren van 5
Jacques FORTE
This place has a really cool delivery service which grants you your package to your door steps in less than 48 hours. I bought Cialis Super Active the other days and already received the pills this morning. Quick and reliable just like the pills )) I would recommend both the pills and this site for the best experience
4 sterren van 5
bernard falzon
My personal experience with buying Cialis Super Active on this site is a highly positive one. First of all I placed my order with ease, not having to browse tons of categories in order to reach for my desires products. Once the order was placed, I received a very fast delivery option included in the paid price. Cool place to buy Cialis from :)
5 sterren van 5
Emilio Gelpi
Just closed a huge deal on this site. I managed to buy Cialis Super Active 100 for the price of classic Cialis, as a bonus for my long term order activity. Thanks for the opportunity, I heard the Cialis Super Active are the holly gral of erectile pills. Can’t wait to test them on my lovely wife :)
5 sterren van 5
John Truesdell
Quite often do I use erectile pills as I love to make sex and live a happy sexual life. Since 2016 I use Cialis Super Active. Used to take classic Cialis but this new version is way better. I managed great performance in bed and the effect is simply amazing, less than 10 minutes until your full potential.
5 sterren van 5
Fabrizio Pirovano
Great deal for Cialis Super Active 100 on this site. The pills are insane, take effect in short notice and keeps you hard all night long. You can make love with you partner the whole night, that if you have the skills necessary )) I personally need only one hour to complete my circle of love :P
5 sterren van 5
No matter the erection problems, I bet you that Cialis Super Active 100 will make you hard as a rock! Trust me guys, I took one pill and made love with my wife the whole night. Never in my life did I experienced such an awesome feeling. Having the opportunity to make love with no worries about your buddy not being able to wake up properly :))
5 sterren van 5
Travis Dawn
The site offers a great variety of products and versions of them in which the brand new Cialis Super Active 100 pills. I am using these pills for more than 3 months and I always make sure to buy them from here. Always receive the best deal unlike on other online pharma stores which ask for double the price on this site.
5 sterren van 5
Rolday Coste
Cialis Super Active 100 are some of the most amazing erectile pills I managed to take so far! Cool effect with insane action for more than 4 hours. TESTED!!! )) I truly recommend these amazing pills, they do exactly what they are supposed to do with no side effects the next day! I’ll definitely go on with taking the Super Active form from now on.
5 sterren van 5
Christopher Marot
Before trying Cialis Super Active 100 mg I wanted to see if lower dosages of regular Cialis would work for me, so I tried those. My erections improved, but there was still room for improvement. When I took Cialis Super Active 100 mg, I realized that was just the remedy for me. My erection was there as soon as I got sexually excited, the effects lasted so long, I almost forgot I had erectile dysfunction. Overall, it was excellent experience.
4 sterren van 5
Anna Freud
I ordered a few Cialis Super Active 100 mg with one of my orders from this pharmacy and tried it last weekend. All I can say is: amazing! I am waiting for my new order to arrive, this time I ordered just the Cialis Super Active. When you are fifty seven, there's no shame in getting this kind of help. It's also super convenient and I am ready to go in like five minutes.
5 sterren van 5
Aya Mao
It's a great pharmacy no matter if you need Cialis Super Active 100 mg or any other ED drug that works for you. They have fair prices that I can actually afford and always offer professional advice should you need any. Overall a wonderful place to order Cialis Super Active 100 mg and be sure you will be taken best care of.
5 sterren van 5
Lars Hanson
If you were wondering if there is a pharmacy that can make you happy as a customer, here is one you will be sure to love. I can recommend it with confidence as I've been shopping here for a long time. This pharmacy is there for a long-run and offers probably the fastest delivery ever. I order Cialis Super Active 100 mg here and always get what I am promised.
5 sterren van 5
Luigi Sala
When looking for a reliable online pharmacy, you have to check out quite a few ones before finding the right place to order Cialis Super Active 100 mg. Already found mine, so if you are interested in low prices for high quality drugs, this is the one for you too. This pharmacy made my erectile dysfunction go away by offering affordable and efficient Cialis Super Active 100 mg, for which I am very grateful.
4 sterren van 5
Maria Gerber
Never enjoyed online shopping much, but I do like coming to this pharmacy whenever I run out of Cialis Super Active 100 mg. They offer sweet prices that anyone can afford. You can enjoy their fast and affordable delivery and always know your personal information is safe. Been their customer for three years now.
5 sterren van 5
Ivo Albernaz
I shop at this pharmacy due to many reasons: their attention to every client, helpfulness, low prices, secure shopping atmosphere and of course how fast they deliver. Like right now I am ordering Cialis Super Active 100 mg for the second time and know for sure it will take just a few days for them to get it to my doorstep, it's totally awesome!
4 sterren van 5
Fausto Casqueiro
You always want to have one pharmacy to shop for medications with, and this one is your best choice. I've been their customer for over four years now, successfully treating every health problem that could be treated with prescription drugs. I also ordered my first batch of Cialis Super Active 100 mg here, will be receiving it very soon because they have amazingly fast delivery.
5 sterren van 5
Helmi Kuusi
Cialis Super Active 100 mg is a magic bullet when it comes to treating ED. I know it because I use to think my situation was hopeless. Then I tried Cialis Super Active 100 mg and realized how much time I'd wasted trying all those other drugs for erectile dysfunction. Even Cialis 40 mg did not work for me as well as this baby! I take it twice a week these days. trying to catch up on sex, it works every time.
4 sterren van 5
Francisco Lorin
I'm taking Cialis Super Active 100 mg and wish there was a higher dose to get even harder boners. I mean, the ones I get are awesome and so much better than any other ones I achieved on my own, but I am always trying to be perfect in a variety of ways. Jokes aside, Cialis Super Active 100 mg gets the job done, even though it starts working after 10 minutes for me. I remember a weekend when I took the pill Friday morning and still had an awesome erection Sunday night!
4 sterren van 5
David Rychelinck
It's amazing how a little pill can completely change your life. I tried Cialis Super Active 100 mg at some party, recreationally, and sometimes take it to impress my new girlfriends. It's great when I am tired or stressed out but still need that erection to be hard and last longer. I have no problem getting a hard-on on my own when I am well rested and horny, but if you are drunk and hooking up with a girl, you need all the support you can get.
4 sterren van 5
Sinikka Kurkinen
If ED is your problem, you could not find a better drug than Cialis Super Active 100 mg. Regular Cialis dosage is 20 mg, there is also the 40 mg, so I tried both before going for this high one. I was afraid a higher dose will come with side effects, but it didn't. Cialis Super Active 100 mg worked much better than lower dosages of regular Cialis, plus it comes with added benefits: I noticed I was hornier and more eager to experiment.
5 sterren van 5
Filip Alexander Snoholt
Buying Cialis Super Active 100 mg online is always a Pandora's box, but not if you have a trusted pharmacy that welcomes you with open arms. This one is the pharmacy you need if you want best deals on Cialis Super Active 100 mg and fastest delivery in the industry. I can assure you this is the least you are always going to get here.
4 sterren van 5
Peter Busch
I tried 100 mg after taking Viagra Super Active for some time. I expected more from the Viagra pill, so I wanted to try something else that would be as fast-acting. Cialis Super Active 100 mg exceeded my expectations, and they claim it remains efficient for up to 55 hours. I never planned my sex life so far ahead, but I was able to have sex on the next day after taking the pill.
4 sterren van 5
Pietro Castelli
High quality Cialis Super Active 100 mg is always available at this pharmacy, don't even hesitate to place your order. I'm their customer that's been shopping for ED medications for a few years, and only recently tried Cialis Super Active 100 mg. Its quality is amazing: I always had at least one side effect, but not with this one.
5 sterren van 5
Max von Sydow
I always order Cialis Super Active 100 mg here because I know this pharmacy offers best quality meds and very appealing deals. I pay less than I would have to pay at any other pharmacy, yet I get everything I need, including fast delivery straight to my home. No one even knows what this thing delivered to me every now and then is, it's all very discreet.
4 sterren van 5
If you compare regular Cialis and Cialis Super Active 100 mg, the latter is a clear winner. They came up with some formulation that helps you last even longer, while starting to act even sooner than any other ED drug you tried before. I absolutely love the fact that in spite of my age and a heart condition I can still satisfy my wife every now and then.
4 sterren van 5
Knut Olai
You should give this pharmacy a try if you are looking to treat your ED with Cialis Super Active 100 mg. This is the best drug out there for this condition, and this pharmacy is the only one that has decent quality Cialis Super Active 100 mg at a reasonable price. I looked through many of them, but this one is the only place that lived up to my expectations.
5 sterren van 5
Akane Aki
I come to this pharmacy after reading testimonials of other people that shopped for medications here. These days finding a reliable online pharmacy to buy any medications is not easy, so it's great I came across this one and was wise enough to trust it. You will find finest quality Cialis Super Active 100 mg here with bonuses and other pleasant stuff that any customer will be sure to appreciate.
4 sterren van 5
Evaristo Zas
Never been too big on sex, but having a young pretty lover comes with certain other 'responsibilities'. I tried regular Viagra and Cialis first, as I prefer sticking to the classics, but guess my ED symptoms were way too serious for them to handle. Then I tried Cialis Super Active 100 mg and it was just what I needed, giving me beautiful erections and tons of confidence.
5 sterren van 5