Generic Clomid ( Clomiphene )

Clomid is een vruchtbaarheidsmedicijn dat wordt gebruikt om de productie van follikelstimulerend hormoon (FSH) en luteïniserend hormoon (LH) te stimuleren, waardoor de eierstokken worden aangezet tot de productie van eicellen bij ovariële aandoeningen.
Selecteer Doses
25 mg
10 pillen
$ 15.99
$ 1.60 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
30 pillen
$ 37.99
$ 1.27 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
60 pillen
$ 61.99
$ 1.03 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
90 pillen
$ 76.99
$ 0.86 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
120 pillen
$ 85.99
$ 0.72 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
180 pillen
$ 118.99
$ 0.66 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
25 mg
360 pillen
$ 222.99
$ 0.62 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
10 pillen
$ 17.99
$ 1.80 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
30 pillen
$ 47.99
$ 1.60 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
60 pillen
$ 86.99
$ 1.45 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
90 pillen
$ 108.99
$ 1.21 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
120 pillen
$ 131.99
$ 1.10 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
180 pillen
$ 179.99
$ 1.00 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
50 mg
360 pillen
$ 348.99
$ 0.97 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
10 pillen
$ 19.99
$ 2.00 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
30 pillen
$ 53.99
$ 1.80 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
60 pillen
$ 98.99
$ 1.65 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
90 pillen
$ 138.99
$ 1.54 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
120 pillen
$ 162.99
$ 1.36 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
180 pillen
$ 215.99
$ 1.20 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.

Algemeen gebruik
Clomid is een niet-steroïde anti-oestrogeen. Het werkingsmechanisme bestaat uit een specifieke binding met de oestrogeenreceptor in de eierstokken en de hypofyse. Bij patiënten met lage oestrogeenspiegels veroorzaakt het een oestrogeeneffect, en bij patiënten met hoge oestrogeenspiegels veroorzaakt het een anti-oestrogeeneffect. In kleine doses verhoogt het de secretie van gonadotrofinen (prolactine, follikelstimulerend hormoon, FSH, en luteïniserend hormoon) en stimuleert het de eisprong; in grote doses vertraagt het de secretie van gonadotrofinen. De hele werking van Clomid bestaat uit het stimuleren van de eisprong en het voorbereiden van het lichaam op een zwangerschap. Dit medicijn kan ook worden gebruikt voor mannelijke patiënten met onvruchtbaarheid veroorzaakt door een lage productie van sperma.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
Clomid wordt toegediend om de eisprong te stimuleren met een dosis van 50 mg één keer per dag voor het slapen gaan, vanaf de 5e dag van de menstruatiecyclus gedurende 5 dagen (bij afwezigheid van de cyclus - op elk moment). Als het middel geen effect heeft (de eisprong komt niet binnen 30 dagen), kan de dosis worden verhoogd tot 150 mg per dag of de kuur worden verlengd tot 10 dagen. Neem Clomid precies zoals voorgeschreven en neem de medicatie niet in grotere hoeveelheden.

Voordat u Clomid inneemt, moet u uw arts op de hoogte stellen als u ooit een allergische reactie op clomifeen, leveraandoeningen, mentale depressie of tromboflebitis heeft gehad. Dit geneesmiddel kan gezichtsproblemen, duizeligheid of licht in het hoofd veroorzaken, dus wees vooral oplettend als u moet rijden of machines moet bedienen waarvoor een hoge concentratie van uw aandacht nodig is.

Overgevoeligheid, lever- of nierfalen, metrorrhagie van onbekende etiologie, ovariumcysten, neoplasma's van de geslachtsorganen, tumor of hypofunctie van de hypofyse, endometriose, ovariumfalen in combinatie met hyperprolactinemie, zwangerschap.

Mogelijke bijwerking
Samen met allergieverschijnselen zoals zwelling van lippen, tong of gezicht of netelroos kunnen bij sommige patiënten de volgende aandoeningen optreden: uitbreiding van de eierstokken die zich presenteert als buik- of bekkenpijn, blozen, misselijkheid, braken of diarree, wazig zien, hoofdpijn, abnormale baarmoederbloeding.

Wisselwerking tussen geneesmiddelen
Informeer uw arts en laboratoriummedewerkers over alle medicijnen en kruidenproducten die u gebruikt als u met Clomid wordt behandeld.

Gemiste dosis
Als je een dosis hebt gemist, neem deze dan in zodra je eraan denkt, maar niet als het volgens je schema bijna tijd is voor de volgende inname. Sla in dat geval de gemiste dosis over. Probeer een gemiste dosis niet in te halen door een extra dosis te nemen.

Als je vermoedt dat je te veel van de medicatie hebt ingenomen, zoek dan onmiddellijk medische hulp.

Bewaar Clomid op een droge plaats, uit de buurt van zonlicht, bij een kamertemperatuur tussen 15-30 °C (59-86 °F).

We geven alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen, die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke interacties met andere medicijnen of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op deze site kan niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling en zelfdiagnose. De specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden afgestemd met uw gezondheidsadviseur of behandelend arts. Wij wijzen de betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en eventuele fouten die het zou kunnen bevatten van de hand. Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Just placed my monthly order for Clomid 20 on this site and the delivery status shows “tomorrow” :) I think it’s more than awesome, it’s quite cool to have my pills arriving at my door steps tomorrow!! Last month I thought it’s just luck as I received my pack in 24 hours, but now I know for sure that this place means business.
5 sterren van 5
Heiko Rohde
It’s a very nice place to buy stuff from and the only site I managed to find on Google which sells Clomid 20 at a very affordable price. All other places I’ve been through sell Clomid at double the price. Sure recommend this place especially because of their prices but also because of their interesting page and payment methods.
4 sterren van 5
Carlos Carrasco
I have Pcos, not overweight and TTC since 1.5 years. I am now on my 2nd cycle of clomid 100mg. My last blood exams showed ovulation, my doc says I should expect even stronger ovulation by the end of the month. Truly happy for the treatment with Clomid, highly effective
4 sterren van 5
Nicolas Davi
Bought Clomid 10 from this site and the delivery was accurate and very fast. Received the package in less than 1 day after I placed my order. Truly happy for such a fast delivery as I needed the pills ASAP. I’ll make sure to recommend this place to all the women in our fertility group!
5 sterren van 5
Simone Dhoore
My doctor put me on Clomid 10 mg and already ovulated around 4th of July :) Really happy about the outcome as I am pregnant in 5 weeks. For me, Clomid 10 mg worked just fine and I am confident that it will work for most of you out there. A truly effective drug, happy to have listened to my doc!
4 sterren van 5
Luis Austrich Gimeno
Buying Clomid 10 from this site managed to make me feel very satisfied. I received a great deal for my last order and express delivery for the price of standard delivery. What can I say, that truly shows the intention of this site’s management to prove their clients about their good intentions.
5 sterren van 5
Philippe Caillé
Took Clomid during my ovulation period :) Hope my eggs will get nice and fat to make a cute fat baby :) Best of luck to all you ladies, I recommend Clomid as it worked for me. Ask your doctor about this pill. It’s the only one that worked for me and managed to help me in a very fast period of time.
5 sterren van 5
Marcos Sanchez
I suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome and I use Clomid for over 2 months now. Improvements have been shown so I am confident in this highly effective medication. I truly recommend this pill to any woman in need out there. Trust me when I say it’s the best remedy so far!
5 sterren van 5
James Curran
I constantly use this site as my number one supplier for Clomid 20. I use these pills in order to get pregnant therefore I always search for the best place where I can find the best prices. This is the only site where I always receives 10% off and I like it very much :) :P IDK if they offer 10% for any type of products or only for Clomid...
5 sterren van 5
John Crosswell
A truly nice place where I usually buy Clomid 20. I always get the best price for my orders and every time I enjoy a quality service. The site comes with plenty of information and bonuses as well as loads of methods of payment and delivery! I totally recommend this awesome online pharma store.
5 sterren van 5
Samantha Bessega
I feel very confident about this Clomid treatment I take. Already on it for several days and I feel just fine. A friend of mine managed to get pregnant with using Clomid among other methods and that’s why I feel so confident! My ovulation started so I’m hoping for a positive result with the help of Clomid 20
5 sterren van 5
Henri Hurt
I had an amazing experience with my last Clomid 10 order on this site! I truly appreciate the efforts of the support team to send me the pack in advance the delivery date without charging me any extra money. Best value for their clients, thumbs up! Hope to buy more Clomid from them in the near future.
5 sterren van 5
denis blondin
This place is the best place where you can buy Clomid 10 at a very affordable price. Along that, buying stuff on this site will always grant you a fast and reliable delivery service. I live in a remote area and even so, my packages are always on time, with no delays, even on Black Friday!
5 sterren van 5
Stig Höggren
Bought Clomid from this site and all I can say is that the experience was a great one. No problems in placing my order, secure payment and the delivery on time. All these to complete my very first Clomid 10 order which I hope will help me get pregnant. I’ll make sure to buy from here the next month
5 sterren van 5
Rick Winkler
Already a regular client since I buy Clomid 10 for my wife for over a year now. The site provides accurate information and a lot of support for clients that are not sure what to buy. They provide money back guarantee and also fast delivery for any order. Truly recommend this place for others seeking best value for Clomid 10
5 sterren van 5
Melissa Hochalter
Clomid 20 made me ovulate earlier thanks to it’s highly effective combination of active ingredients. I can say that this pills managed to solve problems which no other pills managed to. I’m a happy mom of two with intention to conceive another baby ASAP :)
5 sterren van 5
Manuel Wenger
I got pregnant with my first baby normally, with the second one we had a lot of problems. My doctor advised me to take Clomid 10 and the results showed up in less than 2 months. I am the mother of two and planning to go for the third one )) This time i’ll make sure to take Clomid 10 in advance and wait for the results!
4 sterren van 5
David Pinkerton
I am a regular client on this site with more than six orders for Clomid 10. I always receive the packages on time in a very fast period of time. IDK how they do it but the guys at this site are very professional when it comes to shipping the products in a fast time table. No delays, no mixed packages, 100% rate of success ):
5 sterren van 5
Caroline Hendon
I use Clomid 20 for more than 6 months accordingly with what my doctor told me, all can I say is that the medication seems to work just fine. I feel confident about the results...already ovulating for 2 days!
5 sterren van 5
Adam Norman
My doctor recommended me to start a 10 days treatment with Clomid 20. Found it on this site at a very affordable price with express delivery included. I feel very happy to have found such a great place to pruchase my Clomid 20 pills from it! The experience of buying was a very pleasant one.
5 sterren van 5
Ivo Rocha
All I can say about this site is that is a place where they provide great deals on a lot of products, including Clomid 10. I always find the best prices on this site along side many other advantages. The site provides a lot of information, plenty of details about the products and money back guarantee
5 sterren van 5
Bruno Domenes
A friend told me to search this place for great offers on Clomid 20 and he was right. Already at my second order this month and I am truly happy about both the prices and the delivery system. I always receive my parcels in less than 48 hours, even though I live in a remote area. Cool thing if you take into account that other pharma stores send their orders in 4 5 days!
5 sterren van 5
Jope Vandermoer
No other medication worked for me ladies. I use Clomid in order to regulate and stimulate my ovulation. So far only positive results from this little pill. Unlike other treatments, this one is very light for me. I feel no other side effects and also tests show that my ovulation is close to its peak!
5 sterren van 5
Robert Pochon
So far this site managed to surprise me more than once with either good prices for Clomid 20 or extra bonuses for my orders. Every time I visit this place I find a lot of useful information and plenty of offers. Paying is a very easy and secure method as the site accept almost all types of payment. Sure recommend buying stuff on this site!
5 sterren van 5
Derrick Foster
Every time I buy good from this site, I always get a fast and reliable delivery. Last week I bought Clomid 20 and although it was the Black Friday weekend, the package still managed to arrive in no time. All I can say os that this site offers way more things than good prices! I can easily recommend this place to anybody!
5 sterren van 5
william csepely
Highly effective pill with best results on most users. That’s what my doctor told me before recommending me Clomid 20. I trust my doctor and also I trust this pill. Sure hope I’ll get pregnant in short notice. Can’t wait for that moment as my hubby already feel excited and emotional
4 sterren van 5
harold kincaid
Buying Clomid 10 from this site for over a year now, always received the products on time and in really good condition. A like this site because they are very serious with their clients and never provide delivery statuses longer than 2 days! Hope to benefit from the same treatment in the future as well.
5 sterren van 5
Nagy István
Last week I wanted to buy Clomid 20 and found this site with a simple Google search. Seems a legit place with premium offers on most products. I was very glad I could pay with Paypal and also choose the type of delivery I wanted. Clomid 20 is an amazing products for me and buying it from this place only helps me in a positive way
5 sterren van 5
stephan filippazzo
It’s a great place to buy Clomid 20 from as I always receive the package in no time. Idk how they do it but I always receive the package the next day, no matter what time I place my order. For instance, last month I placed the order in the evening and still received the Clomid pills the following day!
5 sterren van 5
Nicholas Warner
Buying Clomid 10 from this site not only will it bring you the best price on the market but also the best delivery times. I already placed my third order this year and like always, I have received the package in time. In my delivery status was shown 48 hours and I received the parcel the next day :)
4 sterren van 5
Dawud Hakeem
Found this site on Google while I was searching for a reliable Clomid 10 seller. Already placed my second order this week and the level of satisfaction is huge. I truly appreciate a site that’s pointed to the client’s satisfaction and not for profits. I’ll make sure to recommend it to other women seeking for quality Clomid medication.
4 sterren van 5
danielle pagano
Overall the experience on the site was great. The service and information provided really helped me to choose my best Clomid dosage and after I placed the order and paid, found out their delivery service is awesome. They even gave me a tracking number for a standard delivery order :))
5 sterren van 5
Jovel Martin
A truly efficient and highly reliable treatment for infertile women. Clomid 10 sure helped me to remain pregnant after months and months of failed treatments with all sort of medication. Thanks God for my gyno doc who advised me to take Clomid! I feel really happy about my decision.
5 sterren van 5
armando narciso
I’m very pleased for my decision to buy Clomid 10 from this site. A lot of friends told me that the best price for Clomid 10 is on this site and now, after already placing my order, I feel satisfied and can’t wait for the pills to arrive. Great value for money and super fast service in placing your order.
5 sterren van 5
It’s always a nice experience to buy Clomid 20 from this site. Not only do I always receive good discounts for my orders but the delivery always happens in less than 2 days. I like it as don’t have to wait a eternity for the delivery guys to show up! And the fast delivery was not a one time happening.
5 sterren van 5
Francisvo javier Bello monteiro
Clomid 10 mg is the only remedy that helped me and my infertility problem so far. I am truly confident in this drug’s positive effects thanks to one of my friends who managed to get pregnant after using Clomid 10 mg for over 1 year. I truly recommend this pill, it has zero side effects and truly takes its effect on your fertility problems.
5 sterren van 5
Tabitha Chandler
I took Clomid as my doctor prescribed for more than 5 months. I want to conceive but my medical problems won’t let me. So far, this pill seems to work, I’m ovulating for 2 days now and tests show that I’m almost there, on the edge of my ovulating period. So glad for this treatment with Clomid...
5 sterren van 5
Jean Luc Chistrel
Was in search for Clomid 20 as I now that sometimes this dosage of Clomid is hard to get. Found it on this site and for my surprise, it was available at a very affordable price. Thought of buying a bigger pack hence the good price and managed to do that in seconds. No signup needed or other forms of registration. I simply placed my order and paid for the goods. They arrived the next day!
5 sterren van 5
Conrad Lucero
I have PCOS as well and have been ttc for 6 years. Recently started Clomid 10mg treatment and I feel confident. My doctor tells me I’m on the right path and that I should expect ovulation at any time. Truly confident I will get pregnant by the end of the year!
5 sterren van 5
Eddy Ampah
I’m used with buying a lot of stuff from this site, especially Clomid 10 for my wife. Truly satisfied by the site’s great responsibility and serious service, their delivery system and the accurate information available on site! Already marked this site in my favorites and can’t wait for my next order.
5 sterren van 5
Mille G. Thomsen
When my doctor prescribed Clomid 10 mg a few months back, I did not believe a dose so low would work for me. But evidently I had some medical issues that would have prevented me from avoiding serious side effects if I had taken a higher dose, so I had to trust the expertise of my doctor. I am happy to tell you that I recently got great news - I'm three months pregnant, so it works after all, plus I was able to keep taking my other meds.
4 sterren van 5
Gyorffi Zsofia
You can come to this pharmacy safely if you need Clomid 10 mg, because the quality of the drugs they offer is impressive. We’ve been ordering medications here for our entire family (we do not believe in health insurance, it's all bogus). These guys sell best quality medications from large and reliable manufacturers, and now that we are trying to get pregnant, it's the place I will keep coming to.
5 sterren van 5
Ilta Kärki
Ordering Clomid 20 mg online at this pharmacy was a very smart decision, although I did a lot of research. I am not the kind of person that will trust someone blindly, so I checked where they get the medications from and how transparent the process is. After all that, I can shop here with confidence and without being worried about a thing, so if you are looking for an efficient infertility remedy, this pharmacy will have everything you need.
5 sterren van 5
Celeste Fanucci
I had two sons, got pregnant with both after taking Clomid 10 mg. I was on Clomid 20 mg for some time before my first pregnancy, but it came with too many side effects. Then I lowered the dose and it was all good, plus I got pregnant after just two rounds! I would like another baby, and I will be taking Clomid 10 mg to make it happen, it's the best dosage for me and no side effects.
4 sterren van 5
Helen Dawson
I was started on Clomid 10 mg after being diagnosed with infertility, although the reasons for that infertility could not be established. Took it in two cycles as recommended, purchased it online. Got pregnant two months ago, keeping my fingers crossed. The 10 mg dose was great for me, I never got any of those side effects they say Clomid may come with.
4 sterren van 5
Malene Birkenes
After trying different other dosages of Clomid, I came to the consultation that this is the one I will benefit from the most. I order Clomid 20 mg here, usually in bulk, because I don't really like ordering stuff online. I do appreciate however how fast this pharmacy delivers anything you order from them, a real time saver.
4 sterren van 5
Theresa J. Fitzhugh
We've been trying to have a baby for 3 years and nothing. I decided to see a doctor and learnt about Clomid. My doctor suggested trying the 10 mg dosage, but after it did not work, Clomid 20 mg was my next pick. I would recommend it to everybody, just don’t lose hope and keep trying. From my experience, you may need to be started on a lower dose to avoid possible side effects, but the 20 mg dose is not that high anyway, so you can safely start with it.
4 sterren van 5
Berta Wieczorek
I'd like to thank this pharmacy for very fast delivery and high quality Clomid 20 mg they offer! I was able to start the treatment without waiting for ages, and at my age every day matters. If this first round does not work, I will be sure to come here again and order more Clomid 20 mg.
5 sterren van 5
Maria Zimmerman
I saved a great deal of money when I ordered Clomid 20 mg at this pharmacy. They offer excellent service and have very fast delivery. It's important when you have just found out about the infertility and want to get started as soon as possible, every week counts. So, I'm deeply grateful for how fast they got this medicine to me, I may be able to give birth on my husband's birthday.
5 sterren van 5
Lirienne Courtois
I tried the 50 mg dose of Clomid first, but it came with way too many side effects, I stopped it after just two days because I couldn't handle it. Then I tried Clomid 20 mg and was very pleased with the lack of side effects. True, it took me four rounds, which is almost as many as you can have before you try something else, but it's the result that matters in this situation.
5 sterren van 5
Myra Elliott
I had to take three rounds of Clomid 10 mg before getting pregnant. I asked my doctor if we should up the dose, but she said I would be more likely to have side effects on a higher dose. I am having lots of sex right now and feeling lucky, because my lab tests improved a great deal after the second and third rounds. I think you shouldn't take a higher dose if a lower one is good for you, who wants those side effects?
4 sterren van 5
Oili Hakkarainen
I'd like to recommend this pharmacy to everyone looking for high quality Clomid 20 mg, because they have everything you need and ever more than that. High quality Clomid 20 mg they offer is purchased straight from a licensed manufacturer (I made sure to check into this some time ago), so if you want the best thing there is without doing any of the research, this is the place to come to.
4 sterren van 5
Xena Brito Aparicio
Clomid 10 mg is not the only drug I ordered from this pharmacy, although it is the latest one. After two years of shopping with them, I have only positive experience. Whenever someone in my family has a problem that can be solved by taking otherwise expensive prescription medications, I come right here.
4 sterren van 5
Isabelle Mazure
I think Clomid 10 mg is the best dosage to be started on, so after consulting some people that have medical expertise to give such advice, I ordered it at this pharmacy. I'm still waiting for the delivery, but it's only been three days. I just wanted to say I appreciated their special deals that made my shopping very affordable and quite pleasant.
5 sterren van 5
Selma Maldonado Ramon
I have PCOS and none of my friends believed I'd be able to get pregnant on Clomid 10 mg, but here I am, ready to pop in three months! I ordered Clomid 10 mg because I was afraid of the side effects, and I was right to trust the quality of the product above everything else. It worked very well, in fact I needed just the one round to get nice and pregnant, so I would like to thank this pharmacy for selling such efficient medicine at such an affordable price.
4 sterren van 5
Ileana Collado Garza
This pharmacy is your number one destination if you are looking for the fastest delivery ever. I don’t know where they deliver that Clomid 10 mg from and I honestly do not care as long as it's of good quality, but it's very fast by all standards. I know it's not easy to always deliver so fast, but they did a good job the first two times I shopped with them.
5 sterren van 5
Emmanuelle Robert
I took Clomid 20 mg for two rounds. Although I had some bloating during those rounds, I did not consider that a serious side effect. Besides, I knew that dividing my dose would not work, because the initial one I was taking was 10 mg. The point is, Clomid 20 mg may give you a mild side effect in like 5% of cases, but it's totally worth it because it works. I'm now a mother to a cute six-month old baby boy.
5 sterren van 5
Aleksija Seci
Excellent pharmacy if you need Clomid 20 mg or any other medicine at half the price. I am a regular customer here because you often need prescription drugs without a prescription, and with the money it costs here, you can easily afford any treatment, even if you have a chronic condition. I'm in my third round with Clomid 20 mg and hope this will be a successful one.
5 sterren van 5
Beatrice Cardoso Lima
I purchased Clomid 10 mg at this pharmacy several weeks ago, for my first round of treatment. I seem to be ovulating on my own without a problem, but for some reason a pregnancy never occurs. This pharmacy sells high quality medications at reasonable prices, this is why I will come back should I need another round, but I do hope I will not.
4 sterren van 5
Fia Karlsson
I tried Clomid 10 mg first just to see what the fuss was all about, and after a round of treatment not much changed according to my lab results. My doctor then suggested upping the dose, so I ordered Clomid 20 mg online along with some other drugs I was ordering at this pharmacy. I ovulated six days after my second round and got pregnant that same month! Thank you for excellent quality drugs you guys offer!
4 sterren van 5