Generic Levitra ( Vardenafil )

Levitra wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen, wat het onvermogen van een man is om een erectie te behouden. Het werkt door de spieren in de penis te ontspannen, waardoor er meer bloed naar de penis kan stromen. Het actieve ingrediënt in Levitra is vardenafil. Het medicijn werd voor het eerst beschikbaar in 2003 en is in de Verenigde Staten alleen op recept verkrijgbaar. Levitra wordt naar behoefte ingenomen, ongeveer een uur voordat je seks wilt hebben. Het is belangrijk om alcohol en grapefruit te vermijden wanneer je deze medicatie neemt, omdat ze ernstige bijwerkingen kunnen veroorzaken.
Selecteer Doses
10 mg
10 pillen
Kc 694.72
Kc 69.50 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
20 pillen
Kc 926.38
Kc 46.33 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
30 pillen
Kc 1227.52
Kc 41.00 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
60 pillen
Kc 2408.95
Kc 40.08 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
90 pillen
Kc 3497.71
Kc 38.92 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
120 pillen
Kc 4215.83
Kc 35.21 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
180 pillen
Kc 5721.57
Kc 31.74 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
270 pillen
Kc 7760.11
Kc 28.72 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
10 mg
360 pillen
Kc 8246.58
Kc 22.93 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
10 pillen
Kc 833.72
Kc 83.39 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
20 pillen
Kc 1320.18
Kc 66.02 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
30 pillen
Kc 1667.66
Kc 55.60 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
60 pillen
Kc 3080.74
Kc 51.43 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
90 pillen
Kc 4169.50
Kc 46.33 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
120 pillen
Kc 5003.45
Kc 41.70 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
180 pillen
Kc 6764.01
Kc 37.53 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
270 pillen
Kc 9126.86
Kc 33.82 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
20 mg
360 pillen
Kc 10933.74
Kc 30.35 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
10 pillen
Kc 903.21
Kc 90.34 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
20 pillen
Kc 1366.52
Kc 68.34 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
30 pillen
Kc 1829.82
Kc 60.92 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
60 pillen
Kc 3289.23
Kc 54.90 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
90 pillen
Kc 4447.49
Kc 49.34 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
120 pillen
Kc 5327.76
Kc 44.48 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
180 pillen
Kc 7204.15
Kc 40.08 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
270 pillen
Kc 9752.32
Kc 36.14 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
40 mg
360 pillen
Kc 11675.03
Kc 32.43 per pil
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
10 pillen
Kc 1019.04
Kc 101.93 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
20 pillen
Kc 1528.67
Kc 76.45 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
30 pillen
Kc 2061.47
Kc 68.80 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
60 pillen
Kc 3706.20
Kc 61.85 per pil
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
90 pillen
Kc 5026.62
Kc 55.83 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
120 pillen
Kc 6022.72
Kc 50.27 per pil
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.

Algemeen gebruik
Levitra is een oraal geneesmiddel voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen. Seksuele stimulatie veroorzaakt de productie en afgifte van stikstofmonoxide uit de zenuwuiteinden van de holle organen van de penis, wat op zijn beurt het enzym guanylaatcyclase activeert. Guanylaatcyclase is verantwoordelijk voor de productie van cyclisch guanosinemonofosfaat (cGMP), dat zorgt voor het verwijden en ontspannen van de bloedvaten die bloed naar de penis transporteren. Levitra voorkomt dat het enzym fosfodiësterase-5 cGMP vernietigt, wat helpt bij het ondersteunen van de bloedstroom naar de penis.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
De aanbevolen dosis Levitra is 10 mg per dag, in te nemen een uur voor de geslachtsgemeenschap. Als er geen bijwerkingen worden ervaren, kan de dosering worden verhoogd tot 20 mg. In geval van bijwerkingen wordt de dosis verlaagd tot 5 mg per dag. Neem niet meer dan één tablet Levitra per dag.

Levitra is niet onderzocht bij mensen met hart- en vaatziekten, dus het is raadzaam om Levitra te vermijden bij patiënten die een beroerte of hartfalen hebben gehad, of die in het verleden een hartaanval hebben gehad, vooral in de afgelopen zes maanden. Voordat u Levitra inneemt, moet u uw arts informeren als u last heeft van nier- of leverproblemen, een bloedingsstoornis, maagzweer of een erfelijke aandoening van het netvlies zoals retinitis pigmentosa, een allergische reactie op dit geneesmiddel of andere geneesmiddelen, misvorming van de penis zoals angulatie, caverneuze fibrose (ziekte van Peyronie), evenals bij ziekten die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van priapisme (sikkelcelanemie, multipel myeloom, leukemie of leukemie).

Levitra is gecontra-indiceerd bij patiënten die overgevoelig zijn voor de bestanddelen, bij patiënten die behandeld worden met organische nitraten, bij patiënten jonger dan 16 jaar, of bij patiënten die HIV-proteaseremmers zoals indinavir en ritonavir gebruiken.

Mogelijke bijwerkingen
Levitra wordt over het algemeen goed verdragen en als er bijwerkingen optreden, zijn deze meestal van voorbijgaande aard. De meest voorkomende bijwerkingen zijn hoofdpijn, blozen (hyperemie van het gezicht), duizeligheid, diarree, misselijkheid en een verstopte neus. Meer zeldzame en ongebruikelijke bijwerkingen zijn lichtgevoeligheid van de huid, hypertensie, rugpijn, tranende ogen, hypotensie, myalgie en priapisme.

Wisselwerking tussen geneesmiddelen
Het metabolisme van Levitra wordt geremd door erytromycine, ketoconazol (Nizoral), itraconazol (Sporanox), indinavir (Crixivan) en ritonavir (Norvir). Levitra verlaagt de concentratie van ritonavir en indinavir. Bij patiënten die worden behandeld met nitraten kan Levitra de pijn op de borst verergeren door de hartslag te verhogen en de bloeddruk te verlagen. Levitra kan de bloeddrukverlagende effecten van alfablokkerende geneesmiddelen (zoals terazosine of Hytrin) overdrijven. Levitra mag nooit worden toegediend aan patiënten die worden behandeld met organische nitraten.

Gemiste dosis
Levitra wordt ingenomen zoals nodig, maar niet vaker dan eenmaal daags, dus het is niet nodig om een gemiste dosis in te halen.

Symptomen van overdosering kunnen zijn: pijn in de rug, kaak of arm, blindheid, wazig zien, pijn of ongemak op de borst en verminderd gezichtsvermogen.

Bewaar op kamertemperatuur tussen 15-30°C (59-86°F), buiten het bereik van kinderen, huisdieren, vocht en zonlicht.

We verstrekken alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen, die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke geneesmiddelinteracties of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op de site mag niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling of zelfdiagnose. Specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden besproken met een zorgverlener of arts. We wijzen elke betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en eventuele fouten af. We zijn niet aansprakelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Mahmoud Sei
I have experienced many online stores in my life and bought thousands of products from them but a site to offer quick information, secure payment system, fast and free delivery and the best Levitra 20 mg on the market...that’s rare! :) I truly enjoy purchasing my weekly stash of Levitra 20 mg from this place, I trust them!
5 sterren van 5
gerhard bosshart
The site comes with a very cool layout and provides a shit load of information you can really rely on. Buying products from them is easy and fast, with few simple clicks required. My first order on their site was from Levitra 40 mg and I liked it that they don’t require a signup...only if you wish so!
5 sterren van 5
Konstantinos Papadogeorgis
Really cool place to get your Levitra 40 mg from. Easy to access, fast contact with their sales team and the best prices on Levitra. I always double check for the best price and this site has always managed to make me buy from them!! Last time I bought Levitra 40 mg from them, they even gave me free delivery!
5 sterren van 5
Petr Michakička
I truly like buying Levitra 10 mg from this site and that’s because I always find the best price on this page. Not to mention that the layout of the site helps older blokes like myself to easy navigate and buy the pills in no time. Back in the days I had to go and buy the pills directly from the local Pharmacy, now, all I have to do is click a button :))
5 sterren van 5
sophie mercier
I love using Levitra 20 mg because it’s the best dosage for my needs. The 10 mg version is to light for me but the 40 mg version is way stronger, not suitable for me. However, when I use Levitra 20 mg, I feel young again and full of energy. I always manage great thing with my wife who’s in love with these pills I take :))
5 sterren van 5
Renato Bresciani
No matter the mood I’m in , whenever I take Levitra 20 mg I manage a huge erection and the best performances in bed. I tried other pills but they didn’t worked to well. Some were giving me dizziness, others were making me feel fatigue. These ones are perefect, I might found the perfect solution to my erectile problems #goodjob
4 sterren van 5
Quite pleased to find out that Levitra has a 40mg dosage. I bought a box yesterday and I can’t wait for them to arrive. My last experience with Levitra was awesome, I’m sure that with this 40 mg dosage, I’ll boost my energy even more. Heard it’s highly effective and with less than 10 min to take action.
5 sterren van 5
donald brush
Not sure how other sites work but this place managed to send my Levitra 10mg pills the same day I placed my order. Quite dazzled by how effective their delivery service is and I can’t wait to place my next order to see if that was only an isolated event or their daily routine :) Hope to receive the pills as fast as their effect takes place )))
5 sterren van 5
julien caron
Was in a hurry and had no time to browse for the Levitra pills, simply typed in the name and the first site that popped out in google, I bought the Lvitra 10 mg from them. I feel very lucky to have experienced this site and not some scam avid for money online pharmacy!!! :)) I’ll make sure to place my next order this site!
5 sterren van 5
Robert Muir
Very satisfied with the Levitra 20 mg pills. Used to take the 10 mg version but as time passed, I started to feel smaller effects on my erection. With the 20 mg version, I feel young again and fully energized for my wife who’s much younger than I am. These pills are a real game changer if you ask me!
5 sterren van 5
Mats Karlsson
My wife is 15 years younger than I am and for two years now, I have to use Levitra 10 mg in order to keep on satisfying her in bed. I’m 50 years old and I need these pills to help me provide the inches I need. No joke, here, with the Levitra 10 mg pills I can please my wife and provide her the love she needs
5 sterren van 5
Rodger Jenks
It’s not often when a site sends you the bought items in a fast manner. Last time I wanted to buy Levitra 40 mg from this online pharma store, I was surprised to see what a good price they provide. Placed my order and after that, another huge surprise...the package was set to arrive the next day! :) Totally recommend this place!
5 sterren van 5
Pierre Morency
Last time I bought Levitra 10 mg from this site I felt very satisfied by both the product and the delivery. Not only did I bought the pills with a major discount, I received the package in 2 days and benefited by my very own tracking number. Just like on express deliveries only this time it was a standard method I choosed.
5 sterren van 5
J. Hartsink
Bought Levitra 10 mg after a friend told me it works magic. Have to say, it’s amazing how the pill takes effect in 10 minutes and works for more than 3 hours in leeping you hard like a stallion. Every wife with a hubby passed 40 yo like myself, should avice them to buy Levitra 10 mg.
5 sterren van 5
robert sims
This site is always ahead of other similar pages because of the fair prices and prompt service they provide. I truly like shopping on this site especially because of the top price they have on Levitra 20 mg pills. I use these pills regularly and all I can say is that this site offers the best service.
4 sterren van 5
Gerhard Waltl
I ordered some pills of Levitra 40 mg from this site and I truly enjoyed the experience of browsing through all their lists of products as well as purchase goods. They offer loads of information and also provide a fair price no matter the quantity you want to buy! I’ll make this place my most reliable supply for Levitra 40 mg original pills.
5 sterren van 5
Florence Naguit
Whenever I feel moody for something different with my wife, I always use Levitra 40 mg. It’s the highest dosage Levitra provides and has the most amazing effect. Unlike the lighter dosage, the 40 mg version sky rockets your penis in few minutes and gives you the energy to keep on going for a rabbit )))
5 sterren van 5
hannah lake
I am a truly happy customer that buys Levitra 10 mg from this site. I am a happy customer because of the serious service this site provides, the original products they sell and the support they provide for undecided clients. Bought Levitra 10 mg for the first time one year ago and still very satisfied by the quality and fast effect
5 sterren van 5
Ronald Cunningham Sr.
As a very satisfied client who uses Levitra 10 mg on a weekly basis, I have to say that this site offers the best deals and customer service. Never did I placed orders without being satisfied and pleased. Thanks to their online system which provides payment security and a lot of information.
4 sterren van 5
Shane Keat
Very happy to use this site as my number one supplier of Levitra 20 mg. I am a long time user of these pills and I had my problems with finding the pills in the past. Since I discovered this site, I always receive my packages on time thanks to their unique delivering system! :) Cool place, cool team!
5 sterren van 5
henry frascona
Let me tell you about my first experience with this site! It was an outstanding experience. I am very glad I selected this place to buy Levitra 40 mg from. Most sites sell fake products but this place is 100% reliable. They gave me a lot of information and a large discount for my first order.
5 sterren van 5
alain ducasse
I always search the internet up and down for the best prices on Levitra 20 mg pill and for 3 months now I only buy the product from this site. This highly efficient pill, which works for me like a glove, is always available with the best price on the market. Really appreciate the effect and reliability of this amazing pill.
5 sterren van 5
Simon Dahlström
Better than the Levitra 10 mg and a bit faster when it comes to taking its effect, Levitra 20 mg is the type of pills I like to use when I feel like playing with my wife. Although not really in need for erectile pills, I use Levitra because they are safe and reliable, a true helper for something extra in bed
4 sterren van 5
Wes Scrogham
Having bought my Levitra 20 mg pills from this site turned out to be one of the best experiences I had. Logged in, placed my order and instantly received a 20% bonus for my next shopping cart. Cool if you think about the economy I’ll make. It’s good to have such a reliable source for my weekly Levitra stash ))
4 sterren van 5
Eric Bonne
I’m not used with such fast delivery that’s why I find it very impressive for this site to always grant fast delivery of the goods to your home. I use this site to buy Levitra 20 mg pills for my erectile problems. Never did the package was late or lost, the site does its job right until the end
4 sterren van 5
Dwayne Hunt
I feel very satisfied to have placed my order for Levitra 10 mg on this site. Not only did they managed to give me a substantial discount but the package arrived in no time. I’m used with 4 5 days delivery times but this time, the guys from this site sent me the parcel in less than 48 hours. How cool is that?!
4 sterren van 5
Patrick Kistler
This site has got to be the best place I buy my Levitra 40 mg from. Let me tell you that not once but twice did they gave me free delivery. Cool thing, if you ask me!!! )) And also, they always provide best price for my orders. I definitely recommend this site for a reliable source where you can buy your erectile pills!
5 sterren van 5
dimitri karalambakis
The experience I had on this site is one of the best I had in ages. I always buy Levitra 20 mg online and the last time I managed to place my order, here, on this site. I love the way they present the product, with all information and at the right price, Can’t wait to place another order in the near future.
5 sterren van 5
Stefano La Cava
I truly recommend buying Levitra 20 mg from this site. Not only does the product comes with a very affordable price but it also arrives at your door in no time. Not sure what system this site uses but every time I buy Levitra from them, I receive the parcel in less than 48 hours. No express delivery, I always use their standard method of sending the goods!
4 sterren van 5
steen johansen
I usually search for top rated online pharmacies before I buy Levitra 20 mg, because these sites offer security and reliable products. Last time I placed an order for my Levitra pills, I did it from this site and the experience was very cool. Fast ordering system, secure payment and free delivery! I must say this site completes my list of top rated online pharma stores.
4 sterren van 5
Pasquale Ciccone
Ordered Levitra 20 mg, two boxes, last night and today, in the morning, I received an SMS from my delivery company, stating that the package is on its way. The fastest delivery I ever experienced since I started to buy stuff from the internet. Hope to receive the same treatment with my next order next month! :))
5 sterren van 5
Andreas Walcher
It’s the second time I buy Levitra 10 mg from this site and I like how the team handles their customers. Had some issues whether to buy the 10 mg or the 20 mg version and one of guys from the support team guided me to buy the exactly needed version. I truly appreciate their professionalism and their care for customers.
4 sterren van 5
The experience I had on this site proves me right one more time. I trust this place to buy Levitra 40 mg because they always provide good information about the product. Also, their layout is easy to use and for an old guy like me, that’s very important! I hate clicking hundreds of buttons to buy my magic pills :))
5 sterren van 5
Michael Sim
Awesome products for half the money other erectile pills cost! I am very glad I ordered Levitra 10mg for my first experience with pills and quite satisfied by the results. I’m 40 years old and this pill managed to keep me hard and energized for quite a long time. Enough to please my wife like in the old days!
5 sterren van 5
Timothy Garrage
This site is f*ucking awesome. I placed my order for Levitra 10 mg the other day and after a few minutes an email containing a 30% bonus for my next order arrived. I’ll make sure to buy more pills next time so I can take full advantage of this huge discount they gave me! :) thanks guys, you deserve a share for your generous discount!
5 sterren van 5
James Ralph
In my opinion Levitra 10 mg is the best remedy for medium erectile problems. The price is affordable and the effect is guaranteed. I feel great when I use these pills and I always buy them from this site. It provides 100% original products at very good prices! The effect is enough to enjoy great moments, I shit you not ))
4 sterren van 5
McKenna Ekizian
The site is highly intuitive and the categories very well cleared. For an old man like me, finding the Levitra 20 mg section is a very easy job, especially when I use the search bar available on the page! For those not to familiar with the internet, I truly recommend buying Levitra from this site.
5 sterren van 5
Jason Heeb
Needed Levitra 20 mg ASAP and told that to the guys in charge with this site. I placed my order and stated that I need the package as soon as possible. turned out the guys really listened to my demand and the next day the package was at my door. They didn’t charged me express delivery, only standard payment. Very kind of them!
4 sterren van 5
francis rosales
First time I tried Levitra 40 mg was about 3 months ago. I was a constant user of Levitra 20 mg but when I discovered this bigger dosage I found out hwat an amazing effect it has. Double the power and the speed of effect and twice the range of action. I can easily please my wife for 2 hours without even feeling tired. No headaches, no pain, no nothing, cool pills!!!
5 sterren van 5
Michael Mccormick
Whenever I want a reliable place where I can buy Levitra 20 mg, I come to this place. About the pills, tried them twice this week and the results were amazing. Quick effect, I think quicker than Viagra, and amazing results in bed :)) I was like a stallion mixed up with Thor and energized like Iron man ))
5 sterren van 5
It’s the third time I buy Levitra 20 mg from this site. I always feel good about placing order here because of their amazing delivery service. Just a few clicks and my goods are on their way. Last time I purchased my pills from here, they arrived the next morning, even though the order was placed in the evening.
5 sterren van 5
Piero Dorliguzzo
Not the first time I buy Levitra 20 mg from this site and every time I placed an order, I always felt satisfied about it. Feel free to buy from this place as they offer reliable and secure services along side the best quality of their products. I really recommend this online pharma store. My stash of Levitra always comes from here.
5 sterren van 5
I took Levitra 40 mg once, about a year ago. Bought it from here! All I can say is that the pill works just fine. I’m 40 years old and I don’t really need a helping pill for my erection. Was just curious and a friend told me that this Levitra 40 mg pill is insane! I agree with that and I really recommend it!
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Rudy Paniagua
Even though I’m not a big fan of buying online, I last ordered Levitra 40 mg from this place. The package arrived in no time, idk, maybe 30 hours or so… anyway, fast enough to make me feel good and confident about more orders on this site! With such a fast rate of delivery, I am cool with waiting in home rather than going to my local pharmacy
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Jidy Martinez
I use Levitra 10 mg on a weekly basis and I always order them from here. It’s the only place I trust to sell original Levitra products. The pill works magic when you need it most and makes you feel young again. Last time I used Levitra 10 mg I managed a great night for both me and my lovely wife.
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Eneko Uriarte
I love it when you buy stuff from the internet and arrived pretty fast. It makes you feel like you bought the item personally, not online. This pharma store sent my Levitra 40 mg pills the same day I placed my order. Thanks to their fast delivery service, I received the parcel the next day, at noon! Very glad I decided to buy online from this site!
5 sterren van 5
Andrew Whitney
Unlike other pills I’ve used, Levitra 40mg managed to grant me some of the best results so far! I’m a constant user of erectile pills due to my age and all I can say is that Levitra has the fastest effect, at least for me! Make sure you try the biggest dosage 40mg, so far they helped me with some of the best erections :)
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Ian Thomas
The delivery system this site has is simply amazing. Placed my order for Levitra 10 mg the other day and this morning a guy showed up at my door with the package in his hands. I feel very satisfied and pleased to have purchased goods from this site, I always enjoy a fast and effective delivery service.
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Jean-Marie Jans
Every time I log in to this site to place my weekly Levitra 10 mg order, I am glad to see how the team places my order with 48 hours delivery time. O simply love this place because of their highly effective delivery system and also for their quality of service and the products as well. I’ll make sure to recommend this place to my friends also!
5 sterren van 5
Ivan Popl
Even though I always double check for reliable sources this time I placed my order directly on this site! The site’s information and cool layout of the products made me think of them as a highly professional online seller. I was right, the package arrived very fast and I am very pleased by my Levitra 40 mg pills.
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Gary Thibeault
Ordered Levitra 40 mg the other days and I was very surprised to see that the package arrived the next day! Not used with such fast delivery :))) Didn’t knew how to react :P Anyway, I truly recommend this site for their fast delivery service and good products, definitely the best place for me to buy Levitra
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Jose Manuel Lidon Escudero
IDK if they send all their products so fast but this site managed to deliver my Levitra 40 mg pills in less than 24 hours. It sounds insane but it’s real. Placed my order at noon and the next day I received a call from the courier! :) Cool thing man, now I can enjoy real romance without having to wait 4 5 days
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Martin Jung
If I was a blogger I would make a huge article about this awesome online pharma store. This is where I buy my Levitra 10 mg and I always enjoy a great time placing order on this site. They have a very easy to navigate page and lots of information. Paying is highly secure and the delivery is pure gold!
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Jeremy Peskoff
I use Levitra 10 mg every time I need something to keep me hard for more time. I enjoy the pill’s effect and the fact it comes with no side effects the next day! Easy to administrate and highly reliable, at least for me! Not sure either to continue with the 20 mg version of stay with this lighter one!
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Alexander Micheal Vernon
Cool pills if you ask me! Tried Levitra 40 mg few times and enjoyed amazing moments. Although I’m 50 years old, I still got it! One pill of this beauty and I’m on for hours. Trust me, this 40 mg version of Levitra works magic even on old blokes like me! I’ll make sure to order some more from here!
5 sterren van 5
After my first order on this site I was feeling a bit unsecured about the delivery of the product. Used with so many fake sites that use fake information, I placed a small order for Levitra 10 mg pills. I felt very satisfied when the package arrived at my door the next day. Now I am sure I can trust this site for my weekly stash of erectile pills :)
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Adam Bushman
Levitra 10 mg is exactly what I need as it provides quick effect, instant energy in your penis and satisfaction until the last minute. Not a huge fan of erectile pills but sometimes you have to use them in order to feel great again. This pill has a very affordable price and its effect is long lasting like on other, more expensive pills.
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michael ferreira
I use Levitra 40 mg for 3 months now and all I can say is that it’s a great pill. The effect takes less than 20 minutes, at least for me...and the action lasts for more than 3 hours. I talk from my own experience, I don’t know how others handle this cool pill! For me it works magic all the time ))
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Gianluca marrani
The experience I had on this site is a truly remarkable one. Not only did I received the best price for my Levitra 10 mg order but I also received a lot of information from the support team. They explained me why I should buy the 10 mg version and not the bigger ones and also, they granted me the best effect.
5 sterren van 5
Took a chance on this site and placed an order of Levitra 40 mg. I got scammed the last time I bought pills from the internet. This site, not only did they sent me original Levitra 40 mg but they managed to do that the next day! Less than 24h delivery time, insane :))) I will make sure to mark this page as my favorite pharma store.
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Gerda Lundequist
I always wanted to find an online pharmacy that would deliver quickly while offering prices for Levitra 40 mg that I could afford. I finally found the one I've been looking for all this time, and I am planning to keep coming here. If you also need a reliable drug vendor, I'd highly recommend this one, you will be amazed at how soon you will get your drug delivered.
4 sterren van 5
Itsuki Kanon
I always appreciated when companies I ordered stuff from could deliver quickly, but I never thought it could be so fast! After placing an order for Levitra 20 mg with this pharmacy at the end of the week, I got the package delivered to my door in only a few days! Knowing how long it takes for other pharmacies to deliver, I am grateful I've found this one.
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Dolph Lundgren
I first ordered amazingly efficient Levitra 40 mg at this pharmacy a few years back. It's been nice coming here and getting the treatment I need without paying too much for it. The great thing about them is that they do not make you wait for too long: Levitra 40 mg is always delivered quickly and without any problems on their end.
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Aukusti Koivisto
Wow, these people do have the fastest delivery out there. I did not believe it when I got my Levitra 10 mg after just three days! Don't know, maybe they have a warehouse somewhere close to where I live, but it was very impressive. You don't get that at most online pharmacies, so I am coming back here again.
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Luis Feliz
I relied on my friend's recommendations when ordering Levitra 10 mg at this very pharmacy, and I was not wrong to trust his experience. This pharmacy has been great to me as a customer and patient with ED, they are always available for additional information and stuff. I am considering placing a larger order now that I know Levitra 10 mg is the exact dosage I need, because you get a discount that way.
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Carmem Pestana
I always thought buying Levitra 40 mg online was risky, but now that I have this reliable pharmacy I can come to, I regret not placing my first order here earlier. I order Levitra 40 mg in bulk here every several months and my sex life has never been more fulfilling. They sell high quality medications and are totally legit, I took some time to check it, so it's perfect if you are on a tight budget but do not want to give up on your sex life.
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Ruggero Orlando
I'm a very happy customer ordering Levitra 20 mg at this pharmacy every now and then. I like their special offers and the fact you can contact them 24/7 (and I mean really get in touch with them without waiting on hold or being informed that everyone is busy and you have to wait). They offer excellent quality drugs and lovely customer experience overall.
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Per Ole Fredriksen
I purchased high quality Levitra 40 mg at this pharmacy once and came here to order some more, as I am about to run out. What impressed me the most was the high quality of the product ordered. Even though it's 40 mg, which is a pretty high dosage, I did not get any side effects. The efficiency is incredible! I took half of it (20 mg) first, just to see what would happen, but was not completely happy with the hardness of my erection. So, Levitra 40 mg is the dosage I need after all.
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Celso Sobreira
This is the pharmacy to come to if you need Levitra 40 mg or any other ED drug for that matter. They offer the best deals on the internet (or at least they are among the pharmacies offering the best deals, but I did my research and came back to this one in the end). I like their professionalism and affordable prices, plus the quality of the Levitra 40 mg I order is excellent.
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Paul Puzniak
I always shop at this pharmacy for Levitra 10 mg. Before that, I used to shop with a new pharmacy every time, because every time there was something I did not like about them. This pharmacy is the best I've ever seen, especially because they deliver internationally faster than imaginable. I don’t always need it asap, but it's nice to know they take their job seriously.
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Birger Skolsnes
If you are still not sure about the dosage of Levitra you will benefit the most from, I can offer advice based on my own experience. The 10 mg and 20 mg dosages did not seem to do much for me, but Levitra 40 mg was just what I needed. I had that erection ready in just 20 minutes! I did get nasal congestion at first though, but now its' gone, guess it was just a coincidence or my body needed time to adjust.
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Borsos Boldizsar
I'm a 56 year old male suffering from ED related to diabetes. I gave Levitra 10 mg a try half a year ago and the results have been amazing. I purchased it from this pharmacy, so I was sure the quality would be excellent. Other dosages have not worked that well for me without causing side effects, so I will keep taking this once. I did notice, however, that Levitra 10 mg works best if you take it on an empty stomach.
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Ami Ana
This pharmacy is worth your attention if besides cheap Levitra 20 mg and convenient payment methods you are also looking for faster delivery. I'm not saying they deliver in a few hours, but it's really soon considering they are sending you that package from overseas.
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Unto Koistinen
This is an awesome pharmacy with tons of great stuff to explore, from a nice choice of payment methods to attentive and professional customer support staff. I see no reason why I should go to any other pharmacy and order my Levitra 10 mg there, this one works great for me. I also like the fact I am spending several times less than when I was purchasing this medication at the local pharmacy.
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Reinhard Barth
I decided to take the 40 mg dose of Levitra from the very beginning, but after getting a mild headache thought it would be good to lower it. Since I already purchased quite a few 40 mg pills, I just divided them in half and got Levitra 20 mg. Excellent result, no side effects, plus you save money if you purchase a higher dose and divide it later. It's safe too, not one of those drugs that you are not supposed to break or crush.
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Fernando Camino
I always buy Levitra 10 mg here and so far the experience has been great. I prefer morning sex, so when I take it on an empty stomach, I can expect the effects in just 15 minutes, which is pretty great. I did get some nasal congestion at first, and it was much worse when I tied Levitra 20 mg, but it's gone now. Levitra 10 mg has been a wonder drug for me, so if you are still not sure about which drug to choose, give it a try.
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Majoros Botond
Ordered Levitra 10 mg at this pharmacy not so long ago and wanted to share my experience. It became effective in 20 minutes and lasted throughout the intercourse. The most amazing part was that I got another erection in 4 hours and was able to have sex again, it felt so good! This is a high quality product, so I had no side effects or anything, just enjoyed its amazing effects.
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Paolo Palmieri
Buying Levitra 20 mg at this pharmacy has been great. I like being treated with respect and given full attention, and this is exactly what you get at this pharmacy when order your drugs. I mean, these days, with all the choice of places selling ED medications, you don't just throw away a pharmacy like that and keep looking for a new one. So, I say go for it, you will not have any reasons to regret it.
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Reinhold Drechsler
After trying Viagra, Cialis and vardenafil 10 mg, I finally discovered Levitra 20 mg was what I needed all along. This dosage works great for me, I get a hard erection in 20 minutes (sometimes I have to wait a bit longer though, depends on whether I'm taking it on an empty or full stomach). However, I still suggest starting on a lower dose, maybe it will work for you and you'll not need to increase the dose.
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Philippe Cardan
I used Levitra 20 mg only once, having purchased it from this pharmacy. So far it's been nice, I don't remember any side effects or visual disturbances, only the good stuff. Me and my girlfriend loved every minute of it, we are both 50 and having sex has been a challenge for me lately. It works much better for me than the 10 mg dose I tried before, it becomes efficient sooner.
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