Generic Priligy ( Dapoxetine )

Dapoxetine wordt gebruikt om vroegtijdige zaadlozing bij mannen te behandelen.
Selecteer Doses
30 mg
10 pillen
S$ 30.11
S$ 3.01 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
20 pillen
S$ 48.44
S$ 2.42 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
30 pillen
S$ 57.61
S$ 1.93 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
60 pillen
S$ 98.20
S$ 1.64 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
90 pillen
S$ 134.87
S$ 1.49 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
120 pillen
S$ 164.99
S$ 1.38 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
30 mg
180 pillen
S$ 235.70
S$ 1.31 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
10 pillen
S$ 34.03
S$ 3.40 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
20 pillen
S$ 52.37
S$ 2.62 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
30 pillen
S$ 65.46
S$ 2.19 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
60 pillen
S$ 117.85
S$ 1.96 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
90 pillen
S$ 164.99
S$ 1.83 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
120 pillen
S$ 196.42
S$ 1.64 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
60 mg
180 pillen
S$ 282.85
S$ 1.57 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
10 pillen
S$ 47.13
S$ 4.71 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
20 pillen
S$ 78.56
S$ 3.93 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
30 pillen
S$ 102.13
S$ 3.40 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
60 pillen
S$ 188.56
S$ 3.14 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
90 pillen
S$ 256.66
S$ 2.85 per pil
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
120 pillen
S$ 311.66
S$ 2.59 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
90 mg
180 pillen
S$ 424.28
S$ 2.36 per pil
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.

Algemeen gebruik
Dapoxetine behoort tot een klasse van selectieve serotonineheropnameremmers (SSRI's). Deze kortwerkende remmer wordt gebruikt om vroegtijdige zaadlozing bij mannen te behandelen.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
Neem Dapoxetine via de mond in met een glas water, met of zonder voedsel. Vermijd het snijden, pletten of kauwen van dit geneesmiddel. Neem het medicijn niet vaker in dan voorgeschreven is. Stop niet met het innemen, behalve op advies van uw arts. Het kan enige tijd duren voordat het medicijn effect heeft. Raadpleeg uw arts over de juiste dosis voor u.

Vertel uw arts of apotheker voordat u Dapoxetine inneemt of als u er allergisch voor bent, of als u andere allergieën heeft. Informeer uw arts of apotheker als u last heeft van bipolaire stoornis, oog-, lever- of nierproblemen. Ouderen kunnen gevoeliger zijn voor bijwerkingen van het geneesmiddel. Tijdens de zwangerschap mag deze behandeling alleen worden gebruikt als het echt nodig is. Omdat dit geneesmiddel door de huid kan worden opgenomen, mogen vrouwen die zwanger zijn of zwanger kunnen worden dit geneesmiddel niet hanteren.

Dapoxetine mag niet worden gebruikt door zwangere vrouwen, vrouwen die borstvoeding geven, kinderen en patiënten bij wie een overgevoeligheidsreactie is aangetoond.

Mogelijke bijwerkingen
De meest voorkomende bijwerkingen zijn een snelle en onregelmatige hartslag, trillen, angst, wazig zien, braken, koorts, diarree, enzovoort. Een zeer ernstige allergische reactie komt zelden voor. Veel mensen die dit geneesmiddel gebruiken, ervaren geen ernstige bijwerkingen. Raadpleeg uw arts of apotheker voor meer informatie. Neem contact op met uw arts of apotheker als u bijwerkingen opmerkt die hier niet worden vermeld.

Wisselwerking tussen geneesmiddelen
Vertel uw arts of apotheker over alle receptplichtige en niet-receptplichtige kruidenproducten die u mogelijk gebruikt voordat u dit geneesmiddel inneemt. Dapoxetine kan een wisselwerking hebben met: MAO-remmers, zoals Furazolidon, Isocarboxazid, Linezolid, Moclobemide, Tranylcypromine, enz.; antiaritmica, zoals Propafenon, Kinidine, enz.; serotonine-norepinefrine heropnameremmers (SNRI's), zoals Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine, Milnacipran, Venlafaxine; antipsychotica (ook wel neuroleptica genoemd), zoals Fluphenazine, enz.; H2-receptorantagonisten, zoals Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine, enz. Raadpleeg uw arts of apotheker voor meer informatie.

Gemiste dosis
Als u een dosis hebt gemist, neem deze dan in zodra u eraan denkt. Als u merkt dat het bijna tijd is voor de volgende dosis, sla dan de gemiste dosis over en hervat uw normale doseringsschema. Neem geen dubbele dosis om een vergeten dosis in te halen.

Als u vermoedt dat u te veel van dit geneesmiddel heeft gebruikt, zoek dan onmiddellijk medische noodhulp. De symptomen van overdosering kunnen pijn op de borst, misselijkheid, een onregelmatige hartslag en een gevoel van duizeligheid of flauwvallen omvatten.

Bewaar uw medicijnen op kamertemperatuur tussen 20-25 graden Celsius (68-77 graden Fahrenheit), uit de buurt van licht en vocht. Bewaar uw medicijnen niet in de badkamer. Houd alle medicijnen buiten het bereik van kinderen en huisdieren.

We verstrekken alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke interacties met medicijnen of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op de site kan niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling en zelfdiagnose. Eventuele specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden overeengekomen met uw gezondheidsadviseur of behandelend arts. We wijzen alle betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en mogelijke fouten die het zou kunnen bevatten af. We zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Priligy 30 mg is one of the safest and most reliable pills I use for my ejaculation problems. It always helps me maintain a balanced sensation during sex, that leading to a longer period before I ejaculate. Before I start using Priligy, I was quite frustrated about my premature ejaculation condition and felt quite inhibited whenever faced with having sex.
5 sterren van 5
Love to buy my Priligy 60 mg from here. I always get big discounts and fast service. Just a click is enough for this site to process your order. You only need few details in the beginning of your membership and after that, all remains memorized. Cool thing for internet amateurs like myself! :))
4 sterren van 5
Mauro Donnini
I feel very confident whenever I buy Pirligy 90 mg pills from this site. It’s because their amazing system of payment, which is highly secure and the loads of information they provide ahead of every order you want to make. Totally recommend this place for buying original Priligy 90 mg. Best pharma store on line :P
4 sterren van 5
sam wooldridge
This site is an amazing place where you can come and buy Priligy 30 mg at a very affordable price. Found the site with a simple google search and since then, I always come back to buy my pills. They have good prices and they are a very reliable source. All clients leave positive feedback so that leads me into thinking they are the best in this niche!
4 sterren van 5
davide rossi
I am a 30 years old bloke with premature ejaculation problems. The only pill that works for me is Priligy 60 mg. I use this pill for more than a year now and all I can say is that I never felt sick or had any side effect from using it. Priligy 60 mg really helps me stay focused and control may ejaculation way better than other lighter versions or other pills.
5 sterren van 5
filippo barbiroli Manacorda
I know that most of you have the same problem as mine. Premature ejaculation has been haunting me for over 30 years and put me in front of some really embarrassing situations. I started using Priligy 30 mg about a year ago and during this whole time, the pill worked perfectly. Its effect is amazing and really does a great job in helping you hold in your ejaculation.
5 sterren van 5
Robert Johnson
Long time since I use this amazing pill. First I used to take Priligy 60 mg but after a while I noticed that Priligy 90 mg is better effective for my problem. No headaches, no side effects. I feel confident every time I have sex thanks to this little pill which always helps me to better control my ejaculation.
5 sterren van 5
Andrew Flint
This site is an amazing place where you can come and buy Priligy 30 mg at a very affordable price. Found the site with a simple google search and since then, I always come back to buy my pills. They have good prices and they are a very reliable source. All clients leave positive feedback so that leads me into thinking they are the best in this niche!
5 sterren van 5
Dene Wakerley
I always had problems with ejaculating way before time that’s why I use Priligy 60 mg to help me control my emotions and ejaculation better. I used to take Priligy 30 mg but found out that the 60 mg version is a bit more effective. Not saying the 30 mg version is bad but I feel way cooler with this 60 mg one.
4 sterren van 5
Jan Ingvarsson
This site managed to provide fast delivery every time I placed an order for Priligy 30 mg. I feel very satisfied for not buying these pills from other sites as this place right here is definitely with the fastest shipment available. Placed my order in the morning and the next day I received the pack.
5 sterren van 5
Michel BEVIERE Deneufchatel
Priligy 60 mg is among the strongest Priligy pills on the market. Stronger than these are the 90 mg pills which are also the maximum dosage you can buy online. I use the 60 mg version and I have to say it works just fine. Provides more than enough time and energy for you to control your ejaculation during sex.
5 sterren van 5
Ahmed Beyt Hardan
Using Priligy 90 mg as my main remedy for premature ejaculation. Each time I have sex, I make sure to take on pill of this insane stimulant. I love its effect and the long lasting action. Makes me feel confident every time, not having to worry about ejaculating earlier. I recommend this highly effective version or Priligy to anyone having the same problems as I do!
5 sterren van 5
Mark Usher
This site is a very reliable source from where you can buy erectile and other pills. I personally use this page to buy my Priligy 30 mg pills. I always receive fair treatment and good prices along with all other discounts or free shipping. Love buying from these guys as they seem like true professionals.
5 sterren van 5
daniele pioli
Never have to worry about ejaculating early. I started taking these pills and I feel amazing. Priligy 90 mg is the strongest version of Priligy but also the highly effective one. The rest are good for those with light problems but for the ones like me, with severe ejaculation issues, the only one to work is the 90 mg version. Highly reliable and most effective whenever you feel like having a proper shag :))
5 sterren van 5
Stéphane BODAN
I placed an order for Priligy 30 mg on this site and received a lot of information regarding the order and the product’s features. It’s really cool to see such a place offering clients way more than just plain and boring information. I know Priligy is a cool product that’s why I use it and from now on, I will make sure to buy it from here!
5 sterren van 5
So glad I bought Priligy 30 mg from this site and not from other places. I received the best service and information along with a highly reliable delivery. Had my own tracking number and the package arrived in 2 days. All these with standard delivery. Next time I’ll try express delivery also, although with such a good delivery time on standard, you don’t really need express :)
4 sterren van 5
Whenever I need a little help for my ejaculation issues, I make sure to take Priligy 30 mg. It’s one of the best pills found on the internet with high effect and long lasting action. I feel more than satisfied to have found this product because ejaculating ahead of time is always an embarrassing thing :)) Not for me, no more quick ejaculation!!!
5 sterren van 5
Rodolfo Pavetto
idk if you guys are pleased by this site but I have to say that every time I come to buy my Priligy 60 mg pills I receive the best price and fast delivery. I like to buy my pills from this site and also I like how they treat the clients. Once did I needed their support service and been very pleased to solve my issues in no time!
5 sterren van 5
Luca Capitaneo
I love it when my Priligy 90 mg order arrive on time! Never did I had any problems with the deliveries from this site. The mean business when it comes to sending clients their orders. Always on time and always in less than 48 , just like mentioned in each of my orders delivery status.
5 sterren van 5
Massimo ceolin
I always loved sites with easy layout and intuitive buttons, especially the online stores. I personally love to buy my Priligy 30 mg pills from this place because their easy access and fast ordering system. I hate to waste time with the navigation that’s why I like this’s always helping me experience fast buying and reliable orders.
4 sterren van 5
Daniel Winans
When it comes to buying stuff online, some are having difficulties in receiving the orders in a reasonable period of time. That’s not the case of this site. Whenever I buy my Priligy 90 mg pills from them, they always send me the package in less than 2 days. It’s pretty awesome especially for a standard delivery method.
5 sterren van 5
alessio tenisci
Used to buy Priligy 90 mg from another site but since I discovered this place, I feel very satisfied and pleased with my orders. I always receive the best information and prices and the team running this site is always open to refunds or additional help. Totally recommend this to my friends.
5 sterren van 5
john curtin
While some talk about how cool Priligy 90 mg is, I would like to say that in addition to the products they sell, which are original and of high quality, this site also offers one of the best delivery methods. I always receive my pills in under 48 hours and I love it!!!
5 sterren van 5
J. Kerseboom
The strongest in the family and the most reliable for those with severe ejaculation problems. I sincerely suffer form premature ejaculation for more than 10 years. I had my issues in the past but since I discovered Priligy 90 mg, I am very pleased by my sex life. I feel confident and more than relaxed when having sex, knowing this pill will always make magic for me!
5 sterren van 5
Juan Ramirez
With each order I place on this site, the better the experience gets. I can honestly say that this site is the best online pharma store where you can easily buy Priligy 90 mg. They offer best prices, money back guarantee and one of the best delivery you can get, sometimes even for free :0!!!
5 sterren van 5
julien monharoul
Don’t know if this site is the number one selling site for Priligy 30 mg but the experience I had with them truly demonstrates that they are true professionals. A very intuitive page, lots of products and the best price for Priligy pills, more than I can ask from an online pharmacy. I recommend this place with all my trust!
5 sterren van 5
stephane arsaut
As a regular customer on this site I have to say that buying from them is always a great thing for me. I buy Priligy 60 mg for the best price on the market and not a single orders gets complete without this site’s amazing team of professionals to give me a little bonus. With my last order I have received a 10% off for my future orders, enough for me to select the express delivery!
5 sterren van 5
brandon hamilton
With such a reliable effect on me, I truly recommend Priligy 90 mg to anyone in need for something to help their premature ejaculation problems. It’s pretty cool to have such a pill at your disposal. Helps maintain a better state of mind and grant you full confidence when you have sex. I love to use these pills every time I have sex.
5 sterren van 5
marco coccioletta
Bought Priligy 30 mg from this site about a week ago. I really enjoy taking these pills as they are highly effective. The site is a very cool place to buy from because of their easy layout pages and their prices. Searched the whole internet for a better price and couldn’t find a cheaper place!
4 sterren van 5
Chancerel gael
If you are thinking of placing an order on this site, go ahead. It’s the best choice you could possibly make. I always buy Priligy 90 mg from this site and their delivery system, among the good prices, is insane. Last time I placed the order in the morning and the next day I received the package. Pretty cool when you need the pills ASAP :))
5 sterren van 5
Ralf Feld
The best remedy for premature ejaculation and a highly reliable pill to help you control your emotions a whole lot better. I use Priligy 60 mg every time I want to have sex and I love its effect. Before using Priligy, I barely lasted 5 minutes, now, I can have sex with my wife for more than 40 minutes straight and still no sign of ejaculation!!!
5 sterren van 5
Joachim Jalava
I am very happy that I selected this site to buy Priligy 30 mg from. Really nice experience with their online team and the fastest delivery I have ever experienced. I received the pack in 2 days although it was Black Friday and all orders were being delayed. I’ll make sure to buy my pills from here the next time too!
5 sterren van 5
Jason Long
I am a constant user of Priligy 30 mg and I have to admit, there’s no other remedy to help you control your ejaculation better than this pill does. It’s fast and reliable with little effort needed. Just take a pill before sex and enjoy a normal experience, without having to worry about premature ejaculating. The pill really makes its effect, trust me :))
5 sterren van 5
Edward Ruiz
Priligy 90 mg is the number one pill that’s helping me enjoy a smashing sex life. Thanks to this site, I can now buy it with ease and for the right price. Other sites sell it for double the price that’s why I always follow this place for offers and bonuses. It’s a great place for top deals on Priligy!
4 sterren van 5
Antonio Capone
Before I started to use Priligy 30mg, I had a lot of problems regarding my premature ejaculation. Whenever I was enjoying sex with a woman, I was always faced with cumming way faster than desired. That always led to some pretty embarrassing moments and a lot of frustration. Since I started using these pills, I feel like a normal man again!
5 sterren van 5
Ideal Gabalda
Nothing gets me feeling more satisfied than a perfectly completed order online. I usually buy Priligy 90 mg from these guys and I never had any problem with neither the products or the delivery. About the last part, shipment always arrives on time and in less than 48 hours.
5 sterren van 5
Jan Vesely
I am a young lad with serious issues when it comes to ejaculating. I simply cannot hold control of my ejaculation and usually end up cumming way faster than desires. Thanks to Priligy 90 mg, I can now enjoy a safe and long lasting sex life without having to worry about premature ejaculation. My girlfriend is more than happy with me taking these great pills :)
4 sterren van 5
Dariusz Kosiek
Don’t know about you guys but my pack of Priligy 30 mg from this site arrived in less than 24 hours. I mean...I placed my order at noon and the next day I was called by the courier guy! Cool place and 100% original products, tested by me!! :)) don’t buy fake Priligy, you’ll end up ejaculating as before.
5 sterren van 5
kevin morgan
Unlike other pharma stores which provide more than 4 days delivery status on any order, this site is always on time with its orders and provides less time periods. I buy Priligy 60 mg from them and I always receive the package in less than 2 days. Idk if that’s just luck of are they being way to professional when it comes to pleasing their clients...keep up the good work!
5 sterren van 5
Torbjørn de Lange
I am a member on this site for more than 2 years and never did I had any problems with my orders. I am a client for Priligy 90 mg which is a smashing pill BTW, a client that’s very pleased to buy from here. The fast ordering process and the fast delivery are the main points of attraction, something you don’t get from any other site.
5 sterren van 5
Simone Mighali
I am amazed by how this site has managed to send me my order. Their quick delivery system is really quick )) less than 24 hours for the order to arrive. Bought Priligy 60 mg at an awesome price and enjoys the fastest delivery in my life :P You don’t need to be a VIP member of stuff like that, the site means business until the very last detail
4 sterren van 5
james armstrong
Quite a pleasure to buy Priligy 60 mg from this site. They always have the best price on this dosage and they always surprise you with little gifts. My last order was a success as I receives the express delivery for the price of the standard delivery. Cool thing as I really needed the pills ASAP. Thanks guys!
4 sterren van 5
Christopher Baranyi
I can only say that Pirligy 90 mg is probably the best and most effective pill I ever took. I always had problems with premature ejaculation and tried tons of remedies, starting with natural herbs and ending with all sort of medication. Priligy 90 mg is by fat the best solution as it always helps me to better control my ejaculation during sex.
4 sterren van 5
Raphaël Nanni
Unlike other pharma stores which provide more than 4 days delivery status on any order, this site is always on time with its orders and provides less time periods. I buy Priligy 60 mg from them and I always receive the package in less than 2 days. Idk if that’s just luck of are they being way to professional when it comes to pleasing their clients...keep up the good work!
5 sterren van 5
Antonio Castillo
I am a regular client on this site and I have to say that never did I had any issues or problems in buying stuff from them. They have a really good and professional support team as well as some of the best prices online for Priligy 90 mg. Totally recommend this awesome online pharma store.
5 sterren van 5
Francesco Perilki
It’s amazing to have Priligy 30 mg available on this site. The pill makes magic when it comes to stopping your premature ejaculation. It’s a real game changer especially for those frustrated about not being able to hold in their sperm. One pill and all these problems are over, you will enjoy a normal sex life with long lasting ejaculation.
5 sterren van 5
Cody Hamman
I thank God I found this site which sells Priligy 90 mg. Last order I made on line was on a site that was using scam to rip me off my money. This site is not the case. I am happy to buy original Priligy 90 mg at a very affordable price, always on stock and ready for departure the same day!
5 sterren van 5
andrea silipo
I always buy Priligy 60 mg from this site because of the fast delivery system and very reliable buying and paying methods. I can buy my pills with Paypal and receive the package directly at my door steps. The site has easy to read information and a lot of products available. I can recommend this place to anybody seeking for a serious pharma store.
5 sterren van 5
Stefan Sjögren
I am a very satisfied client of this site who buys Priligy 90 mg on a weekly basis. I am very pleased to have turned this place as my number one source of reliable Priligy pills because of their fair prices and their delivery service. The package always arrives at my door on time and sometimes the site offers me free delivery, depending on the size of my order!
5 sterren van 5
Roland Steinberg
My first experience with this site was an outstanding one. Bought Priligy 60 mg at a very cool price and since I was the first time on the site, for my first order, received the free delivery as well :) cool gift and amazing service. I truly recommend buying stuff on this site!
5 sterren van 5
pascal vallet
As a constant user of Priligy 60 mg all I can say is that the pill really takes its effect. Great pill to help control your ejaculation problems. It has always worked for me and since my first dose until now, I never had any type of medical problem from using them! I feel great knowing I don’t have to worry about premature ejaculation no more :)
5 sterren van 5
Arnaud lecocq
Last time I placed my order for Priligy 60 mg on this site, I was amazed by the delivery status. 24 h :), OMG...couldn’t be real. Thought it’s a mistake but the next day the courier called me to notify me I have a package standing by!! Thanks for the serious service guys, really worth ever penny!
4 sterren van 5
nathan hoffner
This is the only place I receive my orders for Priligy 30 mg in less than 2 days. On other sites, receiving the packages takes more than 3 days. Don’t know why. This is the reason I buy Priligy from this site. Their amazing delivery times are suitable to my needs! And above that, the prices are extraordinary!
5 sterren van 5
Sadreda Egleston
Using Priligy 60 mg really helped me over pass a tough period in my life. Managed to find the best remedy to my premature ejaculation problems with this wonder pill. It’s very affordable on this site and highly effective, you have to try it to see the results. All I can say is that I feel normal and very confident in my sex life!
5 sterren van 5
Ronald Terry
Bought Priligy 30 mg because of my problems regarding the ejaculation. I always ejaculate prematurely and that’s quite disturbing when you want to live a happy sex life with your wife. Must say that the pill is highly efficient and does exactly what’s supposed to do. Since I started using Priligy my problems are over. I can control and even hold in the ejaculation, for as much time as I want!
5 sterren van 5
Scott Van Iten
Priligy 60 mg is one of the strongest versions of this wonder pill. I use it for more than one year and every time the effect was amazing. It’s the only way for me to better control my ejaculation due to my premature ejaculation condition. I simple take on pill before having sex and the rest comes naturally. Great pill with insane effect, trust me, you’ll love it ))
4 sterren van 5
Lucio Fiorini
I really recommend this place if you want to buy Priligy 60 mg. You can get this amazing pill for half the price other sites sell it and also you can easily benefit from their fast delivery system. The site is very intuitive and for an old bloke like me, highly helpful and straight to the subject. No ads, no fake information. Truly appreciate their honesty!
5 sterren van 5
Willi Trieschmann
Ever time I buy Priligy 60 mg from this site I receive the express delivery for free! Idk is this is a rule or am I just lucky...anyway, I enjoy such little surprises. Truly recommend buying pills from this site, it’s reliable and secure. Plus, they offer quick delivery right at your door steps.
5 sterren van 5
Greg Gonzales
Among all sites where I searched for Priligy 30 mg, this place has the best offer. I love buying from this place, not only for their top prices but also for their amazing layout and intuitive online shopping features. Whenever I want to buy Priligy, I log in to this place and enjoy the finest experience.
5 sterren van 5
Roberto Dizon
Last time I ordered Priligy 60 mg from this place I receives the express delivery for free! Idk if that was a way to reward me as a client or a special and limited offer but I received the package the next day! Used with long term deliveries, I found that amazingly cool and satisfying .
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Tor Eide
I can't even think about the time when I did not know what Priligy 90 mg was. I was depressed and gave up on sex. When I tried Priligy 90 mg, after failing to last longer with the 30 mg dose, life seemed brighter in an instance. I suddenly realized premature ejaculation is not the kind of problem you should be sad and depressed over, especially when you have Priligy 90 mg available.
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Peter Stormare
I'd order from this pharmacy again, and not only because of their low prices and high quality Priligy 90 mg. I enjoyed shopping with them because their delivery is very fast every time, and it matters to me a great deal.
5 sterren van 5
Not so long ago I could only be described as a 'thirty-seconds man', but thanks to Priligy 30 mg I can now have long satisfying sex with my girlfriend. I thought herbal remedies would solve the problem for me, but only after taking Priligy 30 mg I realized how much time and money I had wasted! Priligy 30 mg works great and helps me enjoy sex for quite some time before I am ready to come.
4 sterren van 5
Haruka Hiroko
Premature ejaculation may not be a super grave condition, but you always want that Priligy 60 mg to arrive asap. I know from my own experience that most pharmacies operating online are terrible at delivering on time, you often have to wait forever and keep writing to them to sort it out. Never had this experience at this pharmacy, they are super fast when it comes to delivering.
4 sterren van 5
Daniele Silvestri
I order Priligy 60 mg at this pharmacy every time I am about to run out, and I know I am getting the best deals out there. It's nice to know these guys have my back and will not ask for a prescription, so I spend less money and need less time to take care of this pesky problem. I'd recommend this place to everyone interested in discount drugs of the best quality.
4 sterren van 5
Alessandro Alberti
Excellent online pharmacy to order Priligy 60 mg, no matter if you want a small amount or need to purchase in bulk to forget about it for a long time. I have been coming to this pharmacy for years and am happy to say my premature ejaculation is something I can control, all thanks to their nice prices and excellent customer support service.
5 sterren van 5
Akiyo Anika
If you want your Priligy 60 mg as soon as possible, do not hesitate to place your order with this pharmacy. You will be surprised to see how fast international delivery can be, especially since we are talking about your Priligy arriving from across the ocean. It's nice that they are so fast and reliable, I appreciate it every time shopping for Priligy 60 mg with them.
5 sterren van 5
Mikael Persbrandt
I love this online pharmacy because of the fast delivery they give you with every order. I order Priligy 90 mg here, because this is the dosage that seems to work the best for me. Their deliveries are always on time and just as promised. I don't need my Priligy that urgently in most cases, but I do appreciate the seriousness they treat their customer's orders.
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Daniel Paunet
I first took Priligy 30 mg but did not notice too much of a change (lasting one minute longer than usual does not count of course). I then went for Priligy 60 mg and finally had a greater control over my ejaculation. They say you can learn to control it by doing some exercise and stuff, but I don't have that much time and patience, so I guess this is a perfect way out for me. It works great, what else can I ask for?
5 sterren van 5
Pentti Koivisto
This is an excellent pharmacy if you need high quality Priligy 30 mg and convenient payment options. I'd recommend this pharmacy to every male with the same problem. Their staff members are very tactful and helpful, they suggested trying Priligy 30 first (although I was inclined to go for the higher dose). Thanks to their advice and attention, I am taking the lowest dose that works great for me.
4 sterren van 5
Clarisse Viera
The dosage that works the best for me is Priligy 90 mg, and I prefer ordering it over the internet at this very pharmacy. I can tell you one thing: you don’t find many good pharmacies out there anymore, they all seem to be lacking something. This pharmacy is the one for me, because they have low prices and high quality drugs, plus I do enjoy the way they treat me as a customer.
4 sterren van 5
Truls Knutsen
Priligy 90 mg helped me forget I had premature ejaculation. I am now confident I will be able to last in bed for as long as my partner needs. I actually discovered that the 60 mg dose makes me last longer, but not as long as I like, with foreplay and all. Therefore, I am now using Priligy 90 mg to make sure my girl comes before I do and thanks me for it if you know what I mean.
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Udo Eichel
I take Priligy 60 mg and believe it's the best dosage for me. It works well, so I don't want to be taking anything higher to avoid side effects. At the same time, when I tried a lower dosage, I didn't notice any results (thankfully, I was on my own, otherwise it would have been a disaster). When I use Priligy 60 mg, the results exceed my expectations!
4 sterren van 5
Rudolf Koivu
I always appreciated getting my products fast, but this pharmacy left every other company I dealt with before in the dust. I got my Priligy 30 mg amazingly fast, which was nice for a change. I will keep shopping here for my prescription medications, because they sell high quality products and deliver right to your doorstep, never messing up your order or giving you a single reason to be unhappy.
4 sterren van 5
Frric Damiens
It's nice that this pharmacy has fast delivery, because there were cases when I needed Priligy 30 mg really soon. Since that time I've become more organized, now I order it in bulk and well in advance, but I still enjoy the fact they do not make me wait too long. I think it says a lot about an online pharmacy, so I will remain their loyal customer for years to come.
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Norris Grignon
I used to be terrible in bed, no wonder none of my girlfriends stayed with me long enough to meet my parents, all because of premature ejaculation. When I first tried Priligy 30 mg, I could not believe it: we had intense sex for like ten minutes, then we both came at the same time. Wow, I used all sorts of remedies before that, but none of them worked like Priligy, I didn't even have to increase the dose.
4 sterren van 5
Ramona Ponte
If you need a great pharmacy to order your Priligy 30 mg, this one can be trusted. I've been a customer here for a while now, and the first drug I ordered was Priligy 30 mg, because I could not last even two minutes in bed. This pharmacy made it possible for me to have sex again without dreading a premature culmination, all that at a price that you would not believe.
5 sterren van 5
Sergio Calva
Thank god I know what Priligy 30 mg is and where I can find it. It used to be so embarrassing for me to know I could not give the girls I met more than a couple of minutes of sex. Priligy 30 mg is the lowest dosage you can take, so I thought it was worth a try. Luckily, I did not need a higher dosage, because even the 30 mg were more efficient than all the other remedies I tried. Now I can enjoy sex as often as I want, no chance of failing again!
4 sterren van 5
Cleusa Caminha
If you need a reliable pharmacy to buy Priligy 90 mg from, this is the one you should consider. I've been a customer here for years and never had a single reason to be upset with them. They can give you pretty sweet deals on Priligy 90 mg if you come by often, plus they take very good care of your personal information, which is important these days.
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Ulf Dresner
I can finally wait for my wife to come and then come myself, all that thanks to Priligy 60 mg that I started taking not so long ago. I think it's the optimum dose for me, because I tried half that dose before and it did not seem to do much for me. Now my sex life is awesome, because we can experiment in bed without me worrying about losing that erection before reasonably expected. You can try different dosages, but I read somewhere that this is the one that most patients prefer.
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