Generic Viagra Super Active ( Sildenafil Citrate )

Viagra Super Active
Viagra Super Active is een zachte gelcapsule die sneller oplost en een harde erectie mogelijk maakt. Het duurt slechts 10 minuten voordat je het effect merkt.
100 mg
10 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 26.73
Fr 2.67 per cap
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
20 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 44.84
Fr 2.24 per cap
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
30 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 60.36
Fr 2.01 per cap
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
60 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 108.65
Fr 1.81 per cap
+ 4 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
90 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 152.64
Fr 1.70 per cap
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
120 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 181.96
Fr 1.52 per cap
+ 10 gratis ED pillen
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
180 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 257.85
Fr 1.43 per cap
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
270 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 361.34
Fr 1.34 per cap
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.
100 mg
360 doppen
Viagra Super Active
Fr 419.12
Fr 1.16 per cap
+ gratis ed testpakket
+ Gratis standaard luchtpostservice
+ pakketbezorgingsverzekering
+ Bij volgende bestellingen ontvang je een korting van 10%.

Algemeen gebruikAlgemeen gebruik
Sildenafilcitraat is het hoofdbestanddeel van Viagra Super Active. Sildenafilcitraat beïnvloedt de reactie op seksuele stimulatie. Het werkt door de ontspanning van gladde spieren te bevorderen met behulp van stikstofmonoxide, een chemische stof die normaal gesproken vrijkomt als reactie op seksuele stimulatie. Deze ontspanning van de gladde spieren zorgt voor een verhoogde bloedtoevoer naar bepaalde delen van de penis, wat leidt tot een erectie. Sildenafilcitraat wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen (impotentie) bij mannen en pulmonale arteriële hypertensie. Sildenafilcitraat kan ook worden gebruikt voor andere doeleinden die hierboven niet zijn genoemd.

Dosering en gebruiksaanwijzing
Viagra Super Active wordt geleverd in de vorm van een gelatinecapsule die oraal kan worden ingenomen. Het moet naar behoefte ongeveer 5-10 minuten voor de seksuele activiteit worden ingenomen en het effect kan tot 50 uur aanhouden. Neem Viagra Super Active niet vaker dan één keer per dag. Een vette maaltijd kan het effect van dit medicijn vertragen. Probeer geen grapefruit te eten of grapefruitsap te drinken terwijl je wordt behandeld met sildenafilcitraat.

Vertel uw arts of apotheker voordat u begint met het innemen van Sildenafilcitraat of u er allergisch voor bent, of als u andere allergieën heeft. Ouderen kunnen gevoeliger zijn voor de bijwerkingen van dit geneesmiddel.

Viagra Super Active is gecontra-indiceerd bij patiënten die een ander geneesmiddel gebruiken om impotentie te behandelen of die een nitraatgeneesmiddel gebruiken voor pijn op de borst of hartproblemen. Dit geneesmiddel mag niet worden ingenomen door vrouwen en kinderen, noch door patiënten met een bekende overgevoeligheid voor een bestanddeel van de capsule.

Mogelijke bijwerking
De meest voorkomende bijwerkingen zijn hoofdpijn, blozen, brandend maagzuur, maagklachten, verstopte neus, licht in het hoofd, duizeligheid of diarree. Een ernstige allergische reactie op dit geneesmiddel is zeer zeldzaam, maar zoek onmiddellijk medische hulp als deze zich voordoet. Veel mensen die dit geneesmiddel gebruiken, hebben geen ernstige bijwerkingen. Als u bijwerkingen opmerkt die hierboven niet zijn vermeld, neem dan contact op met uw arts of apotheker.

Wisselwerking tussen geneesmiddelen
Dit geneesmiddel mag niet worden gebruikt in combinatie met nitraten en recreatieve drugs, "poppers" genaamd, die amyl- of butylnitriet bevatten; alfablokkers; andere geneesmiddelen tegen impotentie; of geneesmiddelen tegen hoge bloeddruk. Raadpleeg je arts of apotheker voor meer informatie.

Gemiste dosis
Viagra wordt naar behoefte gebruikt, dus het is onwaarschijnlijk dat je een vast doseerschema volgt.

Als je denkt dat je te veel van dit geneesmiddel hebt gebruikt, zoek dan onmiddellijk medische hulp. De symptomen van overdosering zijn meestal pijn op de borst, misselijkheid, onregelmatige hartslag en een gevoel van licht in het hoofd of flauwvallen.

Bewaar uw medicijnen op kamertemperatuur tussen 20-25 graden Celsius (68-77 graden Fahrenheit), uit de buurt van licht en vocht. Bewaar de medicijnen niet in de badkamer. Houd alle medicijnen buiten het bereik van kinderen en huisdieren.

We geven alleen algemene informatie over medicijnen, die niet alle aanwijzingen, mogelijke interacties met andere medicijnen of voorzorgsmaatregelen omvat. De informatie op deze site kan niet worden gebruikt voor zelfbehandeling en zelfdiagnose. De specifieke instructies voor een bepaalde patiënt moeten worden afgestemd met uw gezondheidsadviseur of behandelend arts. Wij wijzen de betrouwbaarheid van deze informatie en eventuele fouten die het zou kunnen bevatten van de hand. Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor enige directe, indirecte, speciale of andere schade als gevolg van het gebruik van de informatie op deze site, noch voor de gevolgen van zelfbehandeling.

  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
Wereldwijde Verzending
Verzendmethode Levertijd Prijs  
Levering 14-21 dagen 10$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 4 dagen
Levering 9-14 dagen 30$ Tracking# beschikbaar in 2 dagen
Je bestelling wordt veilig verpakt en binnen 24 uur verzonden. Dit is precies hoe je pakket eruit zal zien (foto's van een echt verzendstuk). Het heeft de afmetingen en het uiterlijk van een gewone particuliere brief (9,4x4,3x0,3 inch of 24x11x0,7 cm) en geeft de inhoud niet prijs
  • Wereldwijde verzending
  • Vertrouwelijkheid en anonimiteit gegarandeerd
  • Veilig en zeker
  • Discreet uitziende pakketten
  • Bestellingen worden binnen 24 uur verzonden
  • 100% succesvolle levering
Minerva Giovanni Biagio
It is the second time that I order Viagra Super Active 100mg, the results are more than excellent. I also say that I have a still athletic body, but age makes itself felt (I am 65 years old) and this pill makes me feel sexually young again with the joy of my wife. I must add that my first order made in the second half of February due to the COVID was never delivered by Poste Italia. I decided to wait until May, to no avail. Well they sent me back the order - not with Poste Italia - and it arrived in 8 days. This is the service. More than 5 stars cannot be given. One more addition: the product is of excellent quality.
4 sterren van 5
Sergio Rebolledo
One of the strongest erectile pill I have ever tries. Huge fan of Viagra for more than 4 years with a huge history of taking Viagra 100 mg. This Super active 100 version is way stronger and amazing with instant effect, at least for me! Bought few pills from this site and already addicted with the effect and fast results it provides.
5 sterren van 5
jean luc datin
The team in charge with offering you real time information about the products on this site are true professionals. Wanted to buy Viagra but didn’t had any idea about what type of Viagra to suit my needs. The guys guided me to the Viagra Super Active 100 and I feel great about taking their advice. It’s a cool products that’s meant to help you enjoy a healthy sexual life. Truly recommend this site for purchasing Viagra pills.
5 sterren van 5
mdali bhira
After more than ten orders placed on this site, mainly for Viagra Super Active 100, I have to say that the site provides an amazing service and reliability. I am very happy I buy my pills from this place as I never have top worry about the security of my personal details or for the delivery service
5 sterren van 5
kirsten johansen
Viagra Super Active 100 is one of the strongest erectile pills I have ever tried. Have to say, it’s amazing in matters of effect. Less than 10 minutes and I was hard as concrete ))) No kiddin!! My wife thought I am a porn star. I truly recommend this type of pill, it surely does what is written on the box!
5 sterren van 5
Fred Stoll
I have nothing but good words for this amazing site. Every time I login to buy my Viagra Super Active 100 pills, I receive the best service. Either the team gives me discount on the payment or free delivery, it’s always something to cheer me up :))) I’m definitely going to mark this site as favorites
4 sterren van 5
Paul Nash
Even though not a regular member or a guy to spent thousands of dollars on Viagra pills, my last order of Viagra Super Active 100 pills managed to arrive at my address in less than 24 hours. That’s insane if you take into account that other sites deliver their good in days...anywayzz, fully satisfied by this site’s products and delivery system!
4 sterren van 5
Michael Reed
So far things are all right with this site. I can say that their service is amazing and well structured, the products are 100% original and the site has a very intuitive format. Enough for me to experience easy purchase experiences at low rated! Sometimes an old bloke like me can get dizzy with all the online buttons...
5 sterren van 5
João Teodoro
I first tries Viagra Super Active 100 after a long period in which I used the normal Viagra. I must say… the effects are amazing and the long lasting duration is even more long lasting with this Super Active pill. Highly reliable when you need something to keep you hard and energized. I am 50 years old and still working magic with my wife, thanks to these new pills I recently discovered on this site!
5 sterren van 5
Kerron HILL
I must say that Viagra Super Active 100 managed to change my sexual life one and for good. Took one pill the other days and felt amazing for more than 4 hours. The instant effect and the reliability the pills provides are enough to make you want to buy more. It’s highly effective especially on 50 years old blokes like me )
5 sterren van 5
Herbert Orellana
I always had a great time when visiting this site, not only because of their huge variety of medical products but also for their service and premium offers. Wanted to buy Viagra Super Active 100 and since it was the first time for me, I received a 10% bonus on my payment. Really glad I selected this place for my number one supplier for Viagra pills.
4 sterren van 5
Adonna Winfield
Viagra super active 100 is for the ones truly needy for something out of this world )) I have to say, last time I used this power pill I felt like I was Rocco Siffredi :P. I’m a normal bloke with wife to satisfy on a weekly basis. With 40 years of age, this Viagra version is truly the one to back me up in great modes.
5 sterren van 5
Guillaume Charmeton
I tried Viagra Su[er Active 100 after a friend told me it’s way cooler than other Viagra versions. I have to say, it’s a game changer. Fast effect, took less than 15 minutes for my penis to get hard and more than 3 hours until the effect to pass. Insane pill for endless moments of passion with your pair. I really enjoy the effect and the reliability it provides when in great need!
5 sterren van 5
Back in the days you had to go down the pharmacy and buy yourself Viagra. Now, with the help of this cool site, I click on the type of Viagra I want, in my case Viagra Super Active 100 :) and it arrived at my door in no time. I’m not kidding, my last order arrived the next day even though the status showed 3 days! Cool delivery this site has, not to mention the quality of their service.
5 sterren van 5
kristofer karlsson
Not really a constant user of Viagra but this time I wanted something else and managed to buy Viagra Super Active from this site. What can I say…I felt amazing and my penis worked without stop for more than one hour. Quick effect, in less than 10 minutes I was ready to have fun and my wife felt truly satisfied. I recommend this awesome pill!
4 sterren van 5
Charles Miller
Happy to place orders on this site, especially when I buy Viagra Super Active 100. The guys on this online Pharma store are always providing the best price for the Viagra products and they always assure the best delivery. I’ll definitely recommend this place to anybody in need for quality products at very affordable rates!
4 sterren van 5
Chris Schulthes
Quite glad about the fast delivery my last Viagra Super Active 100 order came with. Placed the order in the morning and the next day a guy from DHL called me. My pack arrived and I was minuted away from my most desired pills. Definitely gonna try this site for further orders. Hope to receive the same delivery treatment as with this last order of mine!
5 sterren van 5
Adam Brown
A great experience buying from this site. The Viagra Super Active 100 is on discount and I managed to buy several for me and my friends. Truly appreciate the service and the team behind all this. They can help you with information and everything related with the whole buying process.
4 sterren van 5
Placed an order on Black Friday and received my Viagra Super Active 100 pills in less than 48 hours. Exactly as stated in the site’s info list. I thought that delivery time is only meant for normal days not on Black Friday but it looks like I underestimated this site’s amazing methods of satisfying their clients :) well done guys!
5 sterren van 5
Luis F Vazquez
It’s always great to experience cool shopping moments and one of them happen last night when I first placed an order for Viagra Super Active 100 on this site. I was impressed to see that their delivery status showed 24 hours, even though I live in a rather isolated area. I can’t wait for the pills to arrive. I’ll get back with an updated review once the parcel arrives
4 sterren van 5
Felix Mayado navarro
Placed an order on Black Friday and received my Viagra Super Active 100 pills in less than 48 hours. Exactly as stated in the site’s info list. I thought that delivery time is only meant for normal days not on Black Friday but it looks like I underestimated this site’s amazing methods of satisfying their clients :) well done guys!
5 sterren van 5
Armin Adler
Viagra Super Active 100 mg is just what you need if regular Viagra did not seem to work well enough. Even if you tried Viagra 100 mg, it's not the same as Viagra Super Active 100 mg, of that I can assure you. This product is amazing because it works so much faster, plus its quality is amazing (as long as you order it at this pharmacy). The dosage is pretty high compared to the other dosages of Viagra available, but I haven't had even a headache.
5 sterren van 5
Rafael del Toro
I'm forty eight and have been using high blood pressure medications for seven years now. Because of the side effects my erections became flaccid and there were cases when I could not get it up at all. Viagra 50 mg did not work for me at all, but it was all different with Viagra Super Active 100 mg. Now my penis is as hard as when I was much younger, it takes just 5 minutes to get it that way.
5 sterren van 5
Fares Fares
Thank you for having Viagra Super Active 100 mg in stock when I needed it most, and thank you for meeting me in the middle and delivering so fast. Wow, I never thought an online pharmacy could treat a regular guy ordering thirty bucks worth of medications like a VIP customer! I'm coming back as soon as I run out, which will happen soon since this drug is something else.
5 sterren van 5
Marco Cattaneo
This pharmacy sells best quality Viagra Super Active 100 mg, and I can say that without a single doubt because I tried shopping for this particular product and dosage at different ones. Most pharmacies sell stuff that they get god knows where, at this pharmacy I finally was able to get high quality product I needed, plus the price was very reasonable.
5 sterren van 5
Matthieu Juge
I'm currently taking Viagra Super Active 100 mg because it proved to be the best product and the most efficient dosage. I did try other PDE5 inhibitors, as well as different dosages of regular Viagra, but none of them did for me what this one could. It's truly magic what this pill does, I went from flaccid erections lasting for a minute to full, hard erections that keep me going for half an hour non stop! Not sure every man can manage that, even a young and healthy one.
4 sterren van 5
Capitolino Cascais
I know where to get high quality Viagra Super Active 100 mg, and if you need a reliable pharmacy for the same purpose, you can follow my advice without any hesitations. At this pharmacy, you will always be taken excellent care of; they also do very fast deliveries. True, you don’t always need that Viagra Super Active 100 mg tomorrow or in a couple of days, especially if you take care of it in advance, but it's always nice to know you will not have to wait for long if it's urgent.
5 sterren van 5
Elisabeth Olin
It's not easy to come across pharmacies that could be trusted, this is why you should definitely give this one a try. I order Viagra Super Active 100 mg in bulk here to get lower prices, never seen them lower anywhere on the internet. It's nice to know you can treat erectile dysfunction for less money and be sure they will deliver quickly, unlike most other pharmacies out there.
5 sterren van 5
Henrik Marcil
Viagra Super Active 100 mg is the best thing there is for treating erectile dysfunction. I am speaking from my own experience, I used to suffer from occasional erectile dysfunction symptoms and did not feel like taking regular Viagra, because you have to wait for it to become efficient for too long, the magic may be gone by the time you are ready. This one works after just five minutes, enough time to slowly get undressed. I love it!
5 sterren van 5
Ai Aiko
I've been shopping for Viagra Super Active 100 mg at this pharmacy since the day I realized I needed some help down there. Thanks to their Viagra Super Active 100 mg, I was able to overcome the symptoms and finally enjoy my sex life. When you are nearing sixty, it's totally awesome to be able to enjoy sex as often as you like.
4 sterren van 5
Kristian Straume
If you need a reliable online pharmacy to order Viagra Super Active 100 mg from, this is the one you've been looking for! Online pharmacies are so numerous, you may end up wondering if you made the right choice. Well, trust me when I say this, you can't go wrong when you choose this one. I buy Viagra Super Active 100 mg and any other prescription drugs I need all the time, and I never had better experience.
5 sterren van 5
Randolf Bach
To stay active and make your partner happy, you could not find anything better than Viagra Super Active 100 mg. I researched this product very carefully after I failed to improve my erections with the help of Viagra 100 mg. This one is a new formulation that can help you last longer while acting sooner. It does everything it promises; I've had no complaints so far.
5 sterren van 5
Kiyoko Chise
I come to this pharmacy whenever I run out of Viagra Super Active 100 mg, because it's the best place to shop for this medication. What I enjoy about this pharmacy is that they are professionals, so any question you have is answered and every issue that arises is sorted out quickly. It's nice to know you can come any time and expect to be treated that way.
5 sterren van 5
Francesco valente
I spent so much time looking for a good online pharmacy to buy Viagra Super Active 100 mg from, finding this one was an answer to my prayers. I enjoy shopping here for my Viagra Super Active 100 mg because they have amazing deals and are always glad to help you figure out which dosage you need. Great service and amazing quality, those are the main reasons I come here.
5 sterren van 5
Carla Freire
Many customers looking for Viagra Super Active 100 mg online also need fast delivery, and this pharmacy has this nice option. They deliver surprisingly fast, and I say surprisingly because I ordered from them on two occasions, once from my home and another time when I was on vacation in Europe. These guys rock!
5 sterren van 5
Nielsen Nicholson
I take Viagra Super Active 100 mg as needed, usually two times a week, and suggest you do the same. For the money it costs online, you could have sex every day without worrying about the financial aspect. It's also much better than regular Viagra 100 mg, because of the faster effects and the fact it can remain efficient for up to 9 hours. The results are always amazing.
5 sterren van 5
Johan Knutson
They say any drug, no matter how efficient, may not work for you because every person's reaction is individual. Well, it happened to me when I tried Viagra 50 mg (and then Viagra 100 mg). Then I decided to go for something slightly different as I heard about Viagra Super Active 100 mg being extremely efficient. This is the decision I will never regret, because this one worked great for me and has been in my medicine cabinet for a year now.
4 sterren van 5
Ejnar Kohlmann
I want to thank this pharmacy for offering Viagra Super Active 100 mg at such a great price! You actually cannot find this one at a regular pharmacy, because it's not made by Pfizer, but I say the hell with Pfizer. Their product did nothing for me, while Viagra Super Active 100 mg worked like a charm, no side effects or anything of the kind. The quality of this drug is so amazing, I feel the effects as promised even if I had a glass of wine during dinner.
4 sterren van 5
Daniel Cuadrado
Discovering Viagra Super Active 100 mg was a relief for me, because it hurts to realize you can't have normal sex when you are only thirty five. With Viagra Super Active 100 mg I no longer have to think about that, all I need is five minutes. I can compare Viagra Super Active 100 mg to regular Viagra 50mg and 100 mg: it works much better, lasts longer and is super convenient to take.
5 sterren van 5
Bernt Hamme
When you order Viagra Super Active 100 mg over the internet, you can’t but wonder if they are going to hold up their end of the deal and deliver the order as requested. The great thing about this pharmacy is that they offer the best payment and delivery options, plus their delivery is the fastest ever. I literally start waiting from the moment I place my order, because I know I will not have to wait for too long!
4 sterren van 5
Martin Gonzales
What I love about Viagra Super Active 100 mg is that there are no limitations in terms of what you can eat or drink. When I was taking Viagra 100 mg, I knew it would take longer to act if I had a glass of champagne or a few shots, but this one get absorbed in your bloodstream right away, so you can enjoy yourself before time comes to finally have sex with that cute lady.
4 sterren van 5